Something.... New?


New member
I'm not sure if this has ever been attempted on a site like this. In fact I'm not even sure if I should be here. Hello. My name is Josh, I weigh about 109 pounds and I am 6"2. Which is on average about 40-50 less than what it should be. So you can imagine I'm a pretty skinny guy. I've been to doctors before. They suggest the same stuff. It doesn't work. They suggest medication and it ends up making me worse off than when I started. So as a sort of "last ditch effort" I decided to seak for assistance online. With which I have come across almost no helpful "gain weight" tips apart from several jokers saying to eat more. Is there anyway of getting any advice from a site like this or am I waiting my time?

TLDR; I need help gaining weight
Welcome to the forum, I am not sure how helpful some of the members may be but we will help if we can.

For a long time my husband was under weight due to a medical condition, so I do understand that gaining for some people can be as difficult as loosing weight is for most of the members here. have the doctors given you a medical reason for not being able to gain ?
Thanks for the friendly welcome :) I've undergone several examinations including blood tests and the only thing I only seem to have is a vitamin D deficiency which may be a factor but I doubt is the leading cause in this. I eat a steady diet of protein though I do tend to skip on greenery. I've tried pills for better digestion before to "get the most out of my food" but all that did was make me feel like eating less. I was diagnosed with anxiety however again I doubt this has anything to do with it apart from me being reluctant to meet different people to sort this situation out without first trying other means.
Hello waitforme and welcome to the forum.

The issue from which you suffer certainly is something new, or at least at total odds with the usual questions asked. However, I’d certainly hope that you take a little more away from this forum compared to others.

I appreciate that you may have previously been told to eat more, but for hard gainers (those who struggle to gain weight), the process is more complex than simply increasing calorie consumption.

Additionally, upon the assumption that you exercise, how you apply yourself in the gym also has a bearing upon the ability to build lean muscle.

Although you’ve mentioned that you eat a steady diet of protein, in order to receive further assistance, I think you’d benefit from expanding a little upon the kind of foods you currently eat and what kind of exercise schedule you currently adhere to.