Something ive noticed

3 miles on the ski machine at highest resistance burns 350 cals at about 30 minutes...

30 minutes on the treadmill for me at 6.7 mph on an incline and switching to 5 mph for about more or less half the time burns me 650 cals...

my point: 30 mins on ski machine = 350 cals while 30 mins on treadmill = 650 cals

I can do 30 mins on treadmill easily but the ski machine is greuling...
if its so rigorous and i feel as if im dying everytime I go there why does it burn MUCH less cals then treadmill..which is MUCH easier..

Also I just got the treadmill so its not because im used to the treadmill,if anything i should be used to the ski machine since ive been using it for hlaf a year and lost 45 lbs on it....
Where are you getting these calorie estimations from? If its from the machine itself these things are highly inaccurate

It was the machine itself..
how do you know they are inaccurate ?
All these calorie burned machines and websites are inaccurate, the amount of calories you burn will depend on your weight and current endurance/fitness and will be different for another.
agree... So just try out different thing and have fun xD hehe... go reall skiing you will also have fun :biggreensanta: take care :D
It was the machine itself..
how do you know they are inaccurate ?

I wore my seperate heart-rate monitor one day while on my Precor Elliptical the machine and my seperate monitor were counting.

When the elliptical machine indicated I had burned 100 heart-rate monitor indicated only 38 calories!!!!!!! What a difference!

Some marketing guys knew you'd be more impressed and tell others about your great machine if you got it in your head how much more calories it burned. Marketing. Pure marketing.

Don't. Don't beileve. Don't believe the hype. :D
Discrepancies and inaccuracies aside, it could be a conditioning issue. If the muscles used on the treadmill are better conditioned than the muscles used on the cross country thingy, the latter will require more energy and get you tired and winded faster.
Im not sure what the ski machine is, but maybe the treadmill is higher because it uses more muscles comprehensively.
Im not sure what the ski machine is, but maybe the treadmill is higher because it uses more muscles comprehensively.

I assumed it was like the NordicTrack skier.