I'm really tired right now and about to go to bed but I did look at the article. One of the first things the author shrugs off is how the FDA had practically issued war with the substance. He says he has no idea what the "hidden agenda" would be to keep stevia out of the loop as a sweetner acting as though it's all a pipedream. It's obvious that banning stevia is just another way that the american goverment sucks up to big corporations. Much like the cattle industry.
I think I'm about to rant. I'm going to end this right now by saying that I use stevia in all my tea, coffee and foods and have never had any ill side effects. If I so much as eat some hard candy with aspartame I get a terrible migraine and will feel like crap until the next day. MANY people have this reaction. Yet it's an approved substance. My conclusion? Who cares what our government has to say about sweetners because they obviously do have a "hidden agenda".
Well said Nicole, now for my rant
I also get server head aches when i consume products containing large amounts of Aspartame
First off, nearly 5 years ago my Mother decided to quite smoking and eat right and so on. She went completely organic, dumped all sodas,white sugar,artificial sugars and any other crap that was harming her body. Since this time she has used nothing but Stevia exclusively, how many times a day for the past 5 years? EVERY DAY, each and every day she drinks a pitcher of Organic green tea sweetened with Stevia. Any "Harmful" affects on me or her? Or my lousy sister? oh how about My sis entire family including her three kids and her Boyfriend they have all been using it for at least a couple of years. Nope nothing bad
just drops in blood pressure, no more tooth decay among the kids, no more hyper activity among the kids when having a sweet drink, and it works great for her Bf who has Type 2 diabetes.
Now that my family history story is out of the way im moving on to the Evidence.
What is it? Stevia comes from a small plant grown throughout Latin America as well in some parts of the southwestern United States. It has been used for 1000's of years throughout Africa,American Indians and other cultures around the globe. It has Many Many times the sweetness of normal sugar yet no calories, and does not rot your teeth.
WHAT does it do?
Well a report from "Hiroshima University School Of Dentistry" stated that stevia Actually suppresses dental bacteria growth rather then feeding it as normal sugars do. Other studies have shown it to have a Beneficial impact on Blood Sugar levels (likely because
Stevia does not affect Blood sugar levels at all however your no longer eating regular sugar that does. ) For example one study where Stevia was given To 24 patients who had Hypoglycemia (1). Another study was done on people with Diabetic Patients (2). Actually NO harmful have every been proved beyond speculation and guesses. In fact Japanese and Latin American scientist have discovered other Good attributes of stevia including (but not limited to) Tonic,reduce Mental and physical fatigue,Helps with Digestion, Regulates Blood Pressure, and can assist in weight loss(3)
Did i mention Its chemical structure does not change under heat? As most normal sugars do. And last quite a while 1-3 drops will sweeten an entire cup of most liquids.
Stevia has no calcium cyclamate, no saccharin, no aspartame, and no calories. It is safe for diabetics as it does not Adverse affect blood sugar levels; it does not have the neurological or renal side effects of NutraSweet; and it does not cause cancer or other toxic side effects in laboratory animals.
Their is i will admit, some debate over the health safety of stevia, but the research is so little in comparison to that of Aspartame and other Artificial sweeteners. Not to mention, please someone cite me an Independent study conducted that found anything harmful about the product?
Now i could go on and cite more studys showing the Benefits of stevia and show you the 97 year old i know who has used nothing but stevia almost her entire long life.
Here you want to hear some real evidence against Americas favorite sweetener?
(the above link does not advertise a product nor sell anything, it is an independent news distribution center.)
1. International congress series International Federation of Diabetes,Buenos Aires, no.209
2. Miguel,O. A new oral Hypoglycemate. Meical review of paraguay 8. No. 5 and 6, p200
3. Kinghorn,A.D. and Soejarto, D.D Current Status of Stevioside as a sweetening agent for human use. Economic and medicinal plant research.