Someone suggested this.


New member
Hi, first thread and post here.

I've heard about some sort of diet (which wasn't suggested to me, personally) that involves drinking only distilled water for one day without pretty much eating anything because it will 'help the body get rid of toxins'. Of course, this sounds like a very silly and unreliable method with no long-term or short-term benefits. Yes, I've heard about the implications of water into some diets and read about its potential benefits, I've known it gets rid of bodily toxins, but this does seem rather pointless.

I still want to know what people more knowledgeable than me think about this, of course. So that's why I signed up to ask. Thanks!
Drinking distilled water has no nutritional benefits at all from all I know. On the contrary, the distilling process voids it of any minerals, it is actually less healthy than (clean) 'normal' water. I don't see where distilled water would be any more or less benefitial than undistilled water.

And not eating anything and only drinking water for a day, distilled or not, will not 'rid your body of toxins'. Your body does that on it's own.
I don't think that *distilled* water, specifically, has any extra benefits outside normal water itself either. I, myself, was referring to water itself generally having health benefits. By the way, do you mean to say that drinking water itself has no effect on flushing out toxins found in the body or that the decision of not eating/only drinking for a day is pointless as far as detoxification goes, or both?

Yeah, I agree. It seems quite stupid not to eat for an entire day, thinking it will help you and then resuming your regular eating habits instead of maintaining a more balanced diet. Some people will fall for anything, I guess.

Thanks for the reply.
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I meant that *only* water has no effect on flushing out anything. If you keep yourself hydrated, drink enough water, together with a healthy diet, your body will rid itself of toxins and 'flush' out what it doesn't need. Not eating anything for a day and only drinking water will not have any effect on 'flushing' anything else out, or more. The body is a self cleaning machine. :)

Drinking water is healthy of course, but not eating for a full day will most likely just result in being starving hungry the next day and eating more, which won't do anybody any good. :/
there is zero health benefits to this. you liver already flushes toxins out of your body. If your goal though is to feel healthier, don't eat crap in the first place and stick to foods that you grow or kill.