Sport Someone help!! Is it possible to be over nutritionalized?

Sport Fitness
Hi everyone I am new here. Thanks for reading my post! If it matters I am 5'11 and about 170 lbs. Before I started working out and eating seriously I could not get over 150lbs and had about 15-16% body fat. Now I am at 170 and I teeter around 10% body fat thanks to my trainer, who is awesome. I'm pretty disciplined and eat right thanks to her. Sadly she does not have the time to answer all my annoying questions because the gym she works at treats her like crap and runs her ragged.

I want to get super cut, like around 6-8% body fat for a few reasons. I would like to have better muscle definition, especially my abs. I also play hockey and since I am not a big guy I rely on speed and finesse to be competitive. So if I can shed more body fat that will be less weight for me to have to speed around in. I don't want to get to an unhealthy level which I understand is 5%. I'm not manorexic or anything, I just want to be as fast as possible, and body fat is not necessary for me other than what I need to be healthy.

Anyway, since the name of the game is nutrition I ask you guys and girls this. Why can I take a multivitamin which has insane amounts of vitamins in them, and still have to eat certain foods like veggies to get the same vitamins? I am taking a Medicorp Advanced Training Packet which has like 500% Daily value of vitamin A -1,667% DV of Vitamin C 1333% DV of Vitamin D and so on and so forth. Can my body even absorb all that???? Why do I have to eat nutrionally valueable food after getting these amounts of vitamins?? There are also other minerals and amino acids and a digestive enzyme complex in this packet.

I am sorry to ramble on, but I have another problem. I don't mind eating healthy, I just hate to eat period. I really hate eating and cooking but I do it becaues thats what it takes. I am on a diet of about 2700-2800 calories. I am always eating and feel full no matter what or how much I ate. Is something wrong with me? Then on top of that I have to drink all this water which even makes me feel more full. I'm not even sure how much I should drink because I sweat more than most people I think. Alot of my workouts as you can imagine involve me balancing on something or jumping around which sucks when I have a 500 cal Cytogainer protein shake in me. Eating healthy calories in the amount of 2800 is huge amount of food for me. Does anyone else have this problem? Are there any kind of tricks that anyone knows of to not feel so full?
Well pills don't absorb 100%, actually it's more like 50%. So cut those numbers in half right off the bat. Liquid multi's are the way to go, around 90% absorbtion, now that's back for your buck! And you should still eat some nutritious foods because you'll never get everything you need from a pill, or liquid, or w/e.

And nope, sorry, I'm always hungry! Really though, I eat a LOT of calories. Probably not as healthy as yours, which is why it's harder to make your 2800. Maybe someone else will have a suggestion on this. And how much water is a lot?
It sounds like you need to snack on almonds, granola, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds...they're packed with calories.

You just can't all vitamins and minerals from pills like you can from whole foods. Apples, bananas, and carrots are easy to carry and convenient to eat on the go.

Keep in mind that once you get under 12%, the body does not want to get rid of more fat because the bodies number one concern is survival and it will do anything to stay in homeostasis (I'll let you chew on that). Also, once you get under ~9%, some of your physiological functions suffer a bit. With you being in a contact sport, you need some fat to absorb the constant's pretty much necessary. Keep in mind that in order to get really low (6% or lower) you're gonna have to eat all the time.
Hi Mreik, thanks for replying and nice arm. Anyway I would guess I drink about 2-3 liters a throughout the day and night. I should probably drink more but I feel so filled up all day long is hard to stay focused on it. Plus with my job I am screambling around and forget for a few hours sometimes.

Hi Evo - why under 12%?? What physiological functions suffer? Are you talking about body temp or do you mean the five sense? For example Sly Stallone filming the Rocky movies had around 3-4 % and you got these Asian guys like Bruce Lee who probably had around the same if not less. They seemed to be ok right? I can see what your saying about the contact sport and needing some absorbsion, but seriously we wear so many pads and protective gear I feel like a medival knight sometimes. I somehow have managed to avoid being injured seriously so far, but my luck could change I guess. I just figure if I am fast enough no one will be able to hit me, or at least get hit less often. I can live with eating all the time. Do you guys think if I can't get that super defined look by cutting fat should I just try to bulk up more then?

I'll try your advise with the nuts and seeds. I mix granola in yogurt for a snack that tastes pretty decent.
Are you eating 6 times a day? Because @ 2800 cals that averages out to 466 per meal, and you should have protein AND carbs so I don't understand why your drinking a 500 cal shake especially before working out. Are you getting enough healthy fats? I am eating 2800 cals a day right now and it's not that much food. Anyways welcome to the forum. What level hockey do you play? I play too.
Whats up Karl - thanks for replying. I'm eating about 5-6 times a day. Sometimes I don't get in that 6th meal because I am busy. Its not very often I miss it though. My diet, I am assuming is pretty good. I try to eat organic when I can, the only place I eat out at is In' N Out or Chipotle for my cheat meal. I struggle, but I can manage to get in around 150-170 g's of protein a day. I drink the shake before my workout jsut because thats what it suggests to do on the label, then I have one right afterward as well. I drink the Cytogainer which is good stuff. However I only use 2 scoops with milk before and 2 scoops with milk after, as opposed to the suggested amount of 4 scoops per serving. Its just to much.

As far as healthy fats go, I'm probably not doing well in that dept. I'm doing great in not eating the bad fats though. I eat peanut butter daily, and recently I purchased a jug of olive oil. If I eat make or eat a burrito I'll get avacado w it. As far as that I don't know what else has healthy fats. I try to eat fish but it does not happen super often.

As far as hockey goes I'm not sure what level I am at currently. I sprained my ankle awhile back and have been out of it for months. I was trying to get on a club team in San Jose a few years ago but I had to move. I'm just going to join a competitive adult leauge and see how I do at first, then maybe see what tryouts are around if I am skating ok. I play left wing, what about you? Also, do you think 2800 a day is enough? If I'm not at the gym or playing hockey I am usually sitting at my job, or driving around. Maybe once a week or so I will go swing some swords around in my backyard just messing around.
Well getting faster isn't so much about weight, as it is training. Speed and explosion exercises would benefit you, and probably give you the results you're after.
Follow the link at the bottom of this post to determine your calorie amount. Your protein intake looks fine, the reason I mentioned the fats is because you said you don't like eating so much food. Most healthy fats are high in calories per serving so you don't have to eat very much. For example nuts and natural peanut butter are sources of healthy fats which are very high in calories.

I usually play right wing just cause I'm right handed, I sometimes play left but I'm not as comfortable there. I'm just in a competetive men's B league like you were talkin about. It's my first year playin organized hockey.
I don't see a link there, did it not go through? Yeah hockey is the best. I just purchased the NHL Center Ice package for my tv. Watching hockey never makes me sit around, it just makes me want to play it more. Good luck in your leauge. If your from IL I am guessing you are a Blackhawks fan? I hope they turn around this year.

Do you do any special training exercises for hockey? Like I said I am trying to increase my speed. I do ice skater exercises (lateral leaps back and forth) and one legs squats, ect. My gym does not have any out of the ordinary equipment, at least for hockey anyway.