Somebody help:

I've just started weight lifting to build up my strength and generally bulk up.

In a session (upper body session) I do flat bench, dumbell curls (standing), flies (free weights), and tricep extensions (with dumbells). I also have a bar with grips perpendicular to the bar (like a barbell with bit in middle) which I do curls with.

I am going to start mixing it up with shoulder presses and inclines etc.

My question is:

I currently do three sets of each (12, 10, 8) increasing the weight each time.
Am I better sticking with 3 sets of each exercise (12,10,8) before moving onto the next one. Or am I okay to do 12 of each then 10 of each etc???

I also work my muscles to complete failure (except bench as no spotter sometimes, home gym and all). In the mornings I don't really feel particularly sore. Should I feel sore?????

Thanks guys for any answers.
YOu need to include back excercises. I would recommend this routine for 4 weeks. During the next 4wks you can study about different training methods and plan your next cycle, here and online.
you dont need to feel sore after a workout or the next day for it to have been any good. It is actually in a way better because the msucle doesnt start to heal until the pain is gone.
carl24bpool said:
thanks tim

Anybody else help me with the circuit question???

Circuit training is a great way to:

1) Keep your heart rate up
2) Finish working out faster

I have found that working 2 different muscle groups at the same time, i.e. one set of chest, one set of triceps, one set of chest, etc. is a good workout.