Somebody change me...

Hey I joined this forum because Im sick and tired of trying fad diets, eating disorders, different kinds of excercise and I keep failing to keep loosing weight. I will loose some then just get into my old habbits again.

If there are any of you out there willing to guide me into eating, excercising and etc to loose weight instead of gaining muslce. I was told I have a really fine muscle structure under this fat so all i wanna do is be able to show it off.

Would anyone out there want to act as a coach and maybe tell me what to do how to do it and tell me why so I keep learning and eventually reach my goal and become happy for maybe the first time in my life.

Any help from anyone will be great but not just advice because I have an impossible will power to do anything for longer than a couple of weeks I need some real help. Im willing to do ANYTHING as long as it looses fat fast. The fastest possible solution so I can take some pictures and view my progess instead of stepping on the scales.
Hi, and welcome.

First thing you try to do is tweak your mind set a little. Everyone wants "fast" and they usually want "easy" to boot. But you said yourself you have trouble sticking with it- so that has to change. Even if you could lose weight in a short period of time it will take you the rest of your life to STAY in shape.

But dive in. Keyword: "cardio"

Lot of info pertaining to it through-out the forums, search it.
Yes I want the fastest way but if that means its really hard I won't care I might have the will power of an old woman but I got the determination of something i cant think of right now.

Is there anyone who wants to drill sergent me to being slimmer. I dont know what to eat or what to do or anything.

I was just going to eat diet jelly for a month to loose it but apparently thats bad.

Is a diet of 8 litres of water and diet jello a day gonna work? cause i will be excercising also. But will I need to eat alot of little servings or just one a day?
which would loose most fat and not weight i dont care about that.