Some q's about HIIT...

I'm a women. I would like to know if it can make you bulky. If so there's any alternative to it? (maybe some kind of HIIT form but lighter...)

If I do the same HIIT routine (or alternative form :rolleyes:) does the body get used to it, just like in the other exercises, or because the changing speed/resistance all the time, the body does not have the chance to do it?

Oh and I would like to know it for the stationary bike...

HIIT probably won't make you bulky, it can cause some hypertrophy if the muscle fibers (the way in which muscles get bigger). Though, the only way to see is to try it, everyone is different, some people do get some pretty significant quad growth from cycling. But hypertrophy does not happen overnight, so if you notice you start getting bigger than you want, you'll have PLENTY of time to take a step back and reconsider your routine. That being said, hypertrophy look attractive on both sexes, and becoming so big that it look unattractive takes a long while (though it depends how much you think is unattractive)
I highly doubt you'll end up looking "bulky". Women don't have enough testosterone to build muscle as large or as quickly as men.

I wouldn't worry about it. You'll get a really good set of legs, though ;) So if you don't like beautiful leg musculature like that of a dancer, don't do HIIT.
Yeah, I guess I'll try it for a while and see the results.

And yes I do like those dancer legs, so I'll be happy if mine become like that :action:
HIIT is a timesaver for me but I also do regular cardio in between other days. Sucks that I have plantar fascitis (?) so I can't fully sprint like I want to but my heart does feel like it's coming out of my chest, lol.

Great toned legs is worth it (goal of mine) :)