Some of the Struggles I deal with

Right now I know for sure I may be talking to the wrong people about this, but I don't know where else to turn. I've talked to some people on here about it, but there are doctors who are saying I may have Aspergers Syndrome. Of course I don't know if I have it for sure or not (there has been no official diagnosis), but I feel like I struggle with everything in my life because of it. Diet and Exercise alone can't solve this kind of thing. I feel left out alot, quite frankly I think people just wanna say I have Aspergers because it's like some kind of label by people who don't know ****. Even if I do have Aspergers or ASD of any kind why's that so much of a problem? I can't help how I was born.

I use to say the "r" word all the time and use to make fun of people who are mentally challenge or neurologically challenged for that matter. They're all regular people too and it took me years to figure that out. A friend of mine got called the "r" word, and I said to myself is that how I've been treating people all these years? The only real differance though it seems is that people who are like this struggle in more ways than others. What pisses me of even more is that on forums like this, T.V, and etc. People get more pissed of over words like F . U . C . K and S . H . I . T than when someone says "oh that's retarded" or "that's so gay." Neither word is a synonym for stupid. Watch how I say **** or **** it gets blocked out. I can somewhat understand if these words were used to be hurtful, but words like ****, ****, and piss don't target specific groups of people. Although I feel obligated to get into specifics, but it's all something we do (haha trying to be funny, but I know that won't help. Let's move on shall we?).

What ticks me off the most is that whenever I say **** when it's not used in a negative manner it's a bad thing. Yet when I'm around most people words like "your a retard" or "this is gay" seems to be ok to use. So it's ok to be discrimative, but yet why is that ok? Homophobia seems to be ok to most people and same thing with Racism as well as any kind of discrimination. Look South Park, Family Guy, or whatever are just jokes. In a way they make fun of everybody and bring awareness to that kind of stuff. We all laugh at jokes. However there's also a fine difference between joking around and being an asshole. That's why I can't stand alot of Howard Stern. Calling someone who has down syndrome and making gay jokes to him? Come on grow the **** up.

I know we can argue this stuff all day. So I'm going to ask all of you if you don't like in anyway what I have said then PLEASE DON'T READ OR LEAVE ANY KIND OF NEGATIVE COMMENT(S) ON THIS THREAD!!! You don't have to read the threads I or anyone posts on this forum and you don't have to like any of it neither. Just do what you please, but not on this thread. I've had problems with someone saying negative **** on my "political correctness and abuse of first amendment rights at it's worst" thread. Also I am NOT in any way trying to harm anyone on purpose or hurt their feelings. I just want to bring awareness to this factor.
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Hey Roy, here is my 2 cent on this matter.

I am sorry to hear that you have Aspergers or ASD and I don't know much about the disease. I've been around people who were born with mental defecit my whole life. When I was younger, I was embarass to be assiociated with them BUT as I got older I stop caring about what other people thought and their opinion. If they are ridiculing or judging me or the "retarded" person then they are just immature. When I am out in public, I see many other young people struggle to cope with "retarded" people that are around them. But to me, those people taught me soo much about being patience and myself. They are people like everyone else but just born with a hinderance that is out of their control and who are we to judge?

As for using the word "retarded," most of the people around me avoid using that word just like the "n" word. It is just a word to me and once in a while, I would toss that word out to among close friends and watch them grasp like I just shot someone. To me, someone who has a mental defecit may or may not be "retarded," and that is just a word. Words can hurt and cut deeply IF you let them. Remember, Stick and stones may break my bones but word will never hurt me. Do not empower those who don't deserve it.
I've been having hearing difficulties my whole life, and as you know I've developed a sort of speech impediment that sounds funny since I can't hear very well. If I were to talk to you right now, I'd sound like maybe a 5 year old. As a result, people rarely take me seriously and even more so, I think I've gotten some laughs here and there as a result. I've been trying to fix it, but so far speech development classes are only for children and at current, I'm a full grown adult so it's hard to find a proper teacher. Once there was an emergency somewhere, and I ran for help and as I explained to this dude, the guy said, "Okay, okay, here sit down and have some hot chocolate" like I was mentally unstable or something, after cussing him out, he then knew that I wasn't kidding and I was perfectly normal just sounded funny.

However, I can understand someone's feeling if they're labeled badly. I think it's more so that you just have to deal with it. Fighting it only makes it worst. So just live and let live. It's depressing I know, but you can't really change the cards you've been dealt with, and as such, it's probably better to raise awareness at least with people you know and care... and if they care enough, they'll accept you for whatever you are.
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Thanks Dallen I remember you mentioned this to me. As far as I know it's not for sure. Currently as of now like I said there has been no official diagnosis. I am in the process of going to a support group for it.

People are ****ing assholes they never felt any pain in there lives, but yet shove pills down my throat and mock me.
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Ryo and Dallen, you guys are true warriors to combat all these daily. I cannot comprehend what it feels like but after reading this thread, I will even be more considerate. I think I am pretty considerate right now but will be extra so now. Thank you for sharing guys.
Ryofire, I'm sorry to hear about your issues right now. A lot of people are dealt crappy cards in life. I often feel as though I'm one of them. I try to play my hand the best way I can.

People say "That's gay" to me all the time, knowing full well that there are either gay people in the room, and/or that I'm bi, and it does bother me up to a point, but I realize that it is more of an expression than a derogatory comment. That doesn't make it right, though.

Dallen, I'm deaf in my left ear and going deaf in my right ear. My left ear was damaged when I was very young and my stapes lost proper contact with the membrane to my inner ear. My right ear has conductive hearing loss and eventually I won't be able to hear anything other than very high and very low frequencies. Which really sucks. But I learned to lip read at a very early age. I should probably start taking ASL because eventually I'm going to need it in order to communicate.

I have been ridiculed and persecuted all my life because of my choices, my sexuality, and because I'm diabetic. I don't know why people would do that, but I have realized that there are people who take great delight in knocking people down when they're trying to get back up. I guess we're easy targets because we're not "normal".
Ryo and Dallen, you guys are true warriors to combat all these daily. I cannot comprehend what it feels like but after reading this thread, I will even be more considerate. I think I am pretty considerate right now but will be extra so now. Thank you for sharing guys.

I've been having hearing difficulties my whole life, and as you know I've developed a sort of speech impediment that sounds funny since I can't hear very well. If I were to talk to you right now, I'd sound like maybe a 5 year old. As a result, people rarely take me seriously and even more so, I think I've gotten some laughs here and there as a result. I've been trying to fix it, but so far speech development classes are only for children and at current, I'm a full grown adult so it's hard to find a proper teacher. Once there was an emergency somewhere, and I ran for help and as I explained to this dude, the guy said, "Okay, okay, here sit down and have some hot chocolate" like I was mentally unstable or something, after cussing him out, he then knew that I wasn't kidding and I was perfectly normal just sounded funny.

However, I can understand someone's feeling if they're labeled badly. I think it's more so that you just have to deal with it. Fighting it only makes it worst. So just live and let live. It's depressing I know, but you can't really change the cards you've been dealt with, and as such, it's probably better to raise awareness at least with people you know and care... and if they care enough, they'll accept you for whatever you are.

Ryofire, I'm sorry to hear about your issues right now. A lot of people are dealt crappy cards in life. I often feel as though I'm one of them. I try to play my hand the best way I can.

People say "That's gay" to me all the time, knowing full well that there are either gay people in the room, and/or that I'm bi, and it does bother me up to a point, but I realize that it is more of an expression than a derogatory comment. That doesn't make it right, though.

Dallen, I'm deaf in my left ear and going deaf in my right ear. My left ear was damaged when I was very young and my stapes lost proper contact with the membrane to my inner ear. My right ear has conductive hearing loss and eventually I won't be able to hear anything other than very high and very low frequencies. Which really sucks. But I learned to lip read at a very early age. I should probably start taking ASL because eventually I'm going to need it in order to communicate.

I have been ridiculed and persecuted all my life because of my choices, my sexuality, and because I'm diabetic. I don't know why people would do that, but I have realized that there are people who take great delight in knocking people down when they're trying to get back up. I guess we're easy targets because we're not "normal".

All of you are kind and understanding and am greatful that I am able to speak to people like you. I hope that I meet more people such as yourselves.
Yeah I sort of learn how to read lips and body signs. I would say that in total, whenever I take a hearing tests, people are in shock that I actually stayed this long with any aids. I've found that I have a sort of weird hearing. Like sometimes, I'll hear things perfectly, then other times, it's no go. Like someone could be talking to me, and I'll understand it perfectly, then the next, it's completely missed and have to be repeated over and over again. Otherwise, whenever I'm watching tv, it's sort of like mumbles and if I re-watch the same scene with closed caption, I can then understand it perfectly and it doesn't sound like mumbles anymore. So... I don't really know how to explain it 100%.

However, just hang in there. We all lose hearing as we get older, so if you're already hoh, then it's only going to get worst with age especially if it's a delayed deafness. Besides, sometimes it's probably good not to hear stuff and even more so, when you need peace and quiet, it's easier to obtain compared to someone with good hearing. :) And some of the greatest sounds come from people who are deaf. Look at Beethoven, and this other guy whose name I forgot but he made a record player box and he was completely deaf and only relied on using his teeth to feel the sound on wood.
I have found that because my hearing is so crappy, I tend to watch body language a lot more. Bodies don't lie. Words do. So when a person is saying something to me, and their body is saying something different, I'm glad my hearing sucks ass because I know they are lying ;)

I don't mind being deaf in my left ear, because if I want peace and quiet, I just sleep on my right side. If the noise is too much for me, then I use earplugs.

Hearing in mono tends to be difficult because I can't listen to more than one thing at once. It just ends up cancelling itself out and all my brain registers is noise, mumbling, etc. Nothing clear.

Beethovan did go deaf. He wrote his most powerful music after losing his hearing.

Edison was partially deaf and had a learning disability. He invented the record player.

It has been speculated that both Einstein and Newton had Asperger's Syndrome.
I reckon you need to find somewhere to get a correct diagnosis for whatever is plauging you. I went for years thinking that I had something wrong with me and all it was, was a mild case of depression, people threw bi polar and other conditions around until I found a doctor that knew what the **** he was talking about.

I dont get offended by the word retarded or gay but I do however get offended with the words crazy or looney. I have a stuter that I have over the years controlled but as a boy I couldnt get a word out and it was debilitating. People called me retarded but it doesnt offend me.

Good luck with your whatever it is :D
I have found that because my hearing is so crappy, I tend to watch body language a lot more. Bodies don't lie. Words do. So when a person is saying something to me, and their body is saying something different, I'm glad my hearing sucks ass because I know they are lying ;)

Latly I've been trying to teach myself how to tell if someone is lying from obsurbing body movements. The eyes I hear are a very easy way to tell. I don't exactly know how though. I do know that heart rate increases and what not. For some reason though I can mostly tell when someone is lying.

As I wanted to tell you before you have a sexy mind and perception as well as a sexy body ;) I have a knack for stating the obvious

I reckon you need to find somewhere to get a correct diagnosis for whatever is plauging you. I went for years thinking that I had something wrong with me and all it was, was a mild case of depression, people threw bi polar and other conditions around until I found a doctor that knew what the **** he was talking about.

For some reason I've been thinking that too. All these words are being thrown around as it seems. If I do have any of those things then really I'll just learn from the right person what to do with it and how I can live my life.