Sport some insight please

Sport Fitness
ok basically im trying to add some muscle mass to my body and drop weight around 20-25 pounds to be percise. im 5'9 210 lbs muscle mass is around 170 if that helps in anyway if not then ignore it

but mainly my diet consist of

6-am cut up peices of melon
8-am a granola bar
10 am turkey sandwich on wheat
12 pm a banana or grapes (fruit in general)
now around dinner what should i consume im not sure where to go at this point
whoa whoa whoa

you need PROTEIN in the morning, as well as more food.

Remember your body has been STARVING for 8 hours (looks like more with your diet so far)

have some egg whites with that melon....i would even throw some oatmeal in there too..

what is your activity level, workout like.

PROTEIN with every meal.
is some good info on cutting.

It's very hard to lose fat and build muscle at the same time unless you are new to working out/dieting.

If fat loss is your goal, figure out what your kcal requirement is for fat loss and then dial those calories into a diet similar to the one in the link I provided.

Good luck to you.

if you really have 170lbs of lean body mass, then you'll want at least 170g of protein a day. i'd say 200g is your max intake.

and yeah, you need way way way more protein than your currently listed diet indicates.

So far today in just 4 meals I've had:
5 egg whites and 2 yolks
a 28g protein shake
a 4oz serving of chicken breast
and a a3oz serving of chicken breast.

and by the end of the day I'll easily consume another 7oz worth of meat based protein (prolly lean steak and cottage cheese or milk)
well just went food shopping to get all the right stuff i needed LV on the link u posted up on the last meal for the for the sample diet it says shake and flax oil

im pretty sure he ment protien shake if im corrected.... again though i could replace that with lean protien instead right?
Mister Vee said:
well just went food shopping to get all the right stuff i needed LV on the link u posted up on the last meal for the for the sample diet it says shake and flax oil

im pretty sure he ment protien shake if im corrected.... again though i could replace that with lean protien instead right?
Yup it can be replaced with a whole food lean protein source. Good to see you are setting up shop man.

Good luck.
also lv a question about the article in the link where he talks about carbs he has me confused. he says the majority of your carbs should come in the form of PWO nutrition, and the remainder in breakfast. but in his sample diet he shows carbs in meal 5. kinda has me confused on when i should and shouldnt consume carbs or do u expect he is refering to high gi's?
Mister Vee said:
also lv a question about the article in the link where he talks about carbs he has me confused. he says the majority of your carbs should come in the form of PWO nutrition, and the remainder in breakfast. but in his sample diet he shows carbs in meal 5. kinda has me confused on when i should and shouldnt consume carbs or do u expect he is refering to high gi's?

He is referring to keeping the carbs in the morning and around workout time. Say you have oatmeal in the morning, veggies and lean protein throughout the day (the veggies don't count toward the carbs in this case), and then after the workout you have some fast acting carbs in your shake. Your post workout meal (sometimes referred to as post post workout PPWO) should also have some carbs such as brown rice, etc.
AJP said:
He is referring to keeping the carbs in the morning and around workout time. Say you have oatmeal in the morning, veggies and lean protein throughout the day (the veggies don't count toward the carbs in this case), and then after the workout you have some fast acting carbs in your shake. Your post workout meal (sometimes referred to as post post workout PPWO) should also have some carbs such as brown rice, etc.
Right on......
Throw in some cottage cheese for breakfast.