I am currently 16, 5'7" and weigh about 163lbs. My initial plan was to lose weight and then gain muscle but I have been told that instead of slimming down then gaining muscle I could gain muscle which will better help me lose weight.
What my diet should be:
Supplements I was recommended to take:
100% Whey Protein
Here is my workout:
For cardio I was told this:
Currently I don't have a full plan for my diet until I find a way that I can work it out with school, and etc. A question I have, for the diet whats the best way to manage portion control and make sure I hit 650 calories per meal?
Any suggestions or changes you want to add about what I have wrote that may better suit me please let me now. I also want suggestions on the supplements I have listed.
What my diet should be:
This is what I was told.From what I calculated your caloric intake is, maintain: 2826 build mass: 3250-3391 , and 186 grams of protein for moderately active. Now you are going to want to be building mass to support the new muscle growth, and must be eating 5-6 small meals a day. What this means? well if you eat 5 meals a day than at each meal you should consume, 650 calories & 37 grams of protein per meal. If you have 6 meals a day this would be, 542 calories & 31 grams of protein per meal. Note: in this case we are using the Harris-Benedict Formula as it requires only the height, weight, and age, whereas the other one requires weight and bf% only.
Supplements I was recommended to take:
100% Whey Protein
Here is my workout:
My Workout routine:
Day 1: Chest and Abs
·Bench Press
·Dumbbell Fly
·Dumbbell Trunk Twist
·Oblique Trunk Twist
Post Work out: 6 mins. Cardio
Day 2: Legs
·Hack Squat
·Leg Curl with Ankle Weights
·Leg Extension with Ankle Weights
·Heel Raise with Dumbbells
·Ankle Flexion with Weight Plate
·Stationary Lunge with Dumbbells
Post Work out: 8 mins. Cardio
Day 3: Shoulders + Abs
·Overhead Press with Barbells
·Side Deltoid Raise
·Upright Row
·Weight Crunches
·Oblique Trunk Twist
Post Work out: 10 mins. Cardio
Day 4: Back
·Wide-Grip Row
·Dead lifts
Post Work out: 12 mins. Cardio
Day 5: Arms + Abs
·Barbell Curl
·Forearm Curl
·Reverse Forearm Curl
·Reverse Curls
·Dumbbell Trunk Twist
Post Work out: 14 mins. Cardio
Day 6, and 7: Rest
For cardio I was told this:
For the cardio and to lose the fat while sparing muscle(you don't want to waste your hardwork) after your workout when your body has burned the carbs, do your cardio afterwise as than your body will start to be burning the fat. So do this: after each workout start with 6 mins of cardio, than add 2 mins of cardio to that each day until you reach 24 mins of cardio, than go back down to 6 mins again(we do this so that the body doesn't get used to it).
Currently I don't have a full plan for my diet until I find a way that I can work it out with school, and etc. A question I have, for the diet whats the best way to manage portion control and make sure I hit 650 calories per meal?
Any suggestions or changes you want to add about what I have wrote that may better suit me please let me now. I also want suggestions on the supplements I have listed.