Sport Some Food Questions

Sport Fitness
Hey Everyone,
Just had a couple questions about some certain foods, i am -60lbs and trying to lose another 20-30 but ive notices a slowing which i know is typical. I am really trying to eat clean and just went to pick up some groceries. Just curious what i should look for when tryin to get whole wheat pastas, regular oatmeal and natural peanut butter.

I looked at them and they seem to all be pretty heavy carbs, but they are the good carbs im assuming? I want to eat the oatmeal in the morning with my normal egg/protein shake breakfast, any tips on what i can add to it thats clean to make it taste better?

Looked at smuckers natural peanut butter but it was full of fat, about 18g/2g saturated and a decent amount of carbs as well. Wanted to mix this with protein shake to add some variety.

As far as the whole wheat pasta goes, they all looked pretty much the same and im assuming they are the complex carbs which are good since they are on LV's list.

As far as when i eat whcih specific carbs, would it matter if i ate carbs with my dinner? Chicken/Brown Rice or Chicken/Whole Wheat Pasta etc. I am staying away from processed stuff and simple carbs/sugars like the plague. Thanks in advance.
Many people benefit from reducing their "starchy" or high glycemic index carbs to a minimum. I only do one serving a day of starchy carbs: oatmeal post workout. Focus your diet mainly on lean meats, non-fat dairy, eggs and vegetables and fruits.

You also might benefit from carb cycling. Meaning you alternate say 100 grams of carbs for a few days and then a lower carb intake (30-60 grams?) for a few days. Some people loosely accomplish this by following the lower carb regimen and having "cheat" weekends, days or meals.

Try using apple juice instead of part or all of the water when you make oatmeal, sprinkle cinnamon on it or add fruit like banana or strawberry slices or raisins, although bananas and raisins have a relatively high glycemic index.
Is there any difference between long grain brown rice and short grain brown rice? I bought a large box of the short grain i believe. Is one better then the other?
technically the long grain is a little better, in terms of its glycemic index.

but not enough to worry about.

i find long grain also cooks up a little nicer.