some advice :-)

Hi, i'm 18 at 121 lbs :-/

I try to make time to jog every other day and do basic weight lifting when I can. I've decided to take up weight lifting in order try to put on some more pounds and muscles. I'm not really into the really bulked up buffed look, I just want a little bit more tone.

I started working out for about a month now and i'm seeing very little result. A friend of mine said I should try adding whey protein to my diet after each workouts. I have a few questions that i need to clear up and maybe get some help on.

1. which brand/kind of protein should i buy
2. I've heard and saw from a lotta people who take protein that they start to develop acne and i really don't want that. A site said something about "liquid free amino acids" as an alternative.
3. I really wanna work on my chest and biceps: any advice on which excercises to focus on?

1...any brand will work as long as its protein...and hey if you go intense go for some creatine too
2...protein doesnt cause acne...
3...bench and do alooot of push-ups...and bicep curls ...
1 - Agree with Mostwanted; any brand.. however, I do feel (personally) that Whey based protein and not Casenate is best ... I use VP2 by AST (vanilla and mix with orange gatorade for post workout)

2 - ditto on acne

3 - Why just those 2 bodyparts? I would highly reccommend working out ALL body part. Don't forget, squats are still king :)

Take care,
Zach if you leave the boards with one piece of knowledge know that if you just work your chest and biceps you'll be severly hurting yourself in the long run.

Mark is right on, squats you want. Also, other compound movements such as deads, rows, bench, push press, etc.

Protein powder is only a supplement and it is just that only a supplement to your diet. You have to understand it only helps assist as part of your diet. You need to eat good with your normal foods.
no, it's not that i'm only here to specificly work on my chest. It's just that it is the only area that i'm seeing the least development in. Swats and jogging are working out great for my legs and my abs are in the condition that I want them to be.
check out the FAQ topic at the top of this forum.

This is a supplements and vitamins forum, so if you wanna know about training check out the other forums.
like the bodybuilding FAQ's and the diarys first, then ask questions.