some advice....plz


New member
hi guys this is my 1st post so far. and im kind of scared to start.
i will start with my intro.
im a female as you could probably tell from my user name.
im turning 18 in a couple of months.
and im here because i felt lonely on my weight loss. i need some1 to help and encourage me through this.

im 5 feet and 2 inches and weigh 135 pounds. that might not sound a lot, bit it is because im short.
im not looking into losing like 30 pounds or anything. i jst want to get down to 115 or 120 pounds.
im not doing this for anyone and any kind of event coming up, im doing to so that i feel good about myself.
i have an elliptical at home. and an exercise ball and some free weights as well. i started to use a elliptical a month ago for 30 mins for 4 days a week and i lost 2 pounds, but i stoped working out completely a week ago. and now that im trying to get back on track i cant. i dont know why but i just cant. every time i try to go back on the machine i get tired. i went on for 2 mins today and i was out of breath, so i stopped.

i really need help i dont know what to do.

thank you for listening to me.......
I'm not an expert by any means, but you may want to consult your physician about your shortness of breath during exercise.

Do you sleep regularly, hows your diet, and stress level? All these things can lead to fatigue/chronic fatigue but definitely not the shortness of breath.
i do sleep regularly. around 9pm and wake up at 5am.
so thats exactly 8 hours. i sleep usually 7-8 hours each day.
and i dont know if i eat healthy but i do eat a lot of fruits, buts not veggies. i eat approximately 1500 cals.
and stress is fine, i dont stress a lot, but when i do stress i go crazy hehe.

am i eating a little too much?

and thank you for replying.
I don't think your are eating too much.

Personally when I started the elliptical I could only do it for 5 seconds because it felt weird. After a couple tries I pushed through it and could do 10 minutes or so. Now I do 60 minutes almost every day and I'm still a big guy. I would stress consistency and baby steps. Try to work up to 20 minutes. Once you do that try and do that every day. Once you can do that you can increase the time if you want.

hi there, from your story i really would like to help you out. i dont want you to feel like you're alone on this journey. do you have msn or yahoo messenger? send me a PM of either one if you do have it. i will be more than happy to help you on your journey through one of these messengers. and i will encourage you and give you great tips which is helping me on my journey at the moment too. Please do contact me via a personal message as i am eager to help you out.
Actually you may need to up your calories a bit, but more than that I know your above mention of your diet was not a full on report, however, may I ask how much protein you are taking in.

Fruit is very good however you need to make sure you are taking in enough protein when you start a diet and exercise program so that you do not lose muscle, which is the last thing you want to do.

Go with lean choices, turkey, chicken (without the skin) cottage cheese, etc.

Also, make sure you are taking in healthy fats from fish and nuts.

As for your exercise program, while an elliptical machine is good, don't be afraid to mix up your program, go for a fast walk once or twice a week, not only will it help prevent bordem, but it will keep your body from getting used to one particular workout program.

Last but not least try hitting the weight three or four days a week, you will be amazed at what lifting can do for your body.

Hope this helps

Thanks for your post. The first post if often scary. Remember that this forum has people who want to help. Also, please give yourself credit for wanting to feel better.

I agree with the suggestions of Beatlesboy and pinkthree159. You may need to increase your calories a little and eat more protein.

Starting an exercise regimen can be challenging. Going great guns when starting an exercise program often leads to crash and burn. Making small, graduated steps is the key to success, as Beatlesboy noted. Your body needs to get used to exercise. The ultimate goal is to make it a habit for the long-term. Here are some pointers:

1. Make a small goal that's obtainable. For example, exercise 3 times a week for 15 minutes. (Your goal can be shorter or longer than that.)

2. When you reach that goal, you can increase the frequency or length for your next goal. (Like, exercising 4 times a week for 15 minutes or 3 times a week for 20 minutes). Repeat until you've reached the frequency and duration of exercise you want to do.

3. Praise yourself when you reach your goal. You earned it!

4. If you don’t reach your goal, don’t fret. You didn’t fail. Your body was not ready to increase your goal. That’s all. Readjust your goal. For example, if exercising 15 minutes was too challenging, set a goal for 10 minutes.

Best wishes in increasing your exercise.
thank you beatlesboy, pinkthree159 and Dr_Mary.

so i was wondering because you guys said that i should increase my calories right, but how much should i increase by?
and i actually love the idea of smalled goals of exercise.
i think i might be able to do that.

and to chaos.... i dont use a messenger becuase im usually really busy working and school. sorry.... but u can leave me some tips in my inbox.
thank you so much for helping.

thank you to everyone as well...
im so happy that i have found people i can relate to.
thank you again. im going to try the small goals and see what happens.
i will try to keep you guys updated.
till then talk to you later and take care...
oh yea i had another question. do u think i should invest some money in buying a scale (the kind that weighs food in grams n such)
just wondering because i record my calories in a journal and some times i don't know the exact calories in a food.
so do u guys think its a good idea to buy a scale or no.
and how much should i spend, i mean are cheap onces even good?
thank you guys in advance....
You can google food calorie intake or something similar to that. Find a website (something that is not or anything generic) that has a list of food, calories, and fat. You can print it out and place it in your journal.

About the scale. This is my personal take on it.

If your not the type of person to step on it everyday and limit yourself to weighing once every two weeks than by all means buy a scale. It takes people several months to lose the weight they want. People plateau, and have difficulty initally losing the weight.

If you ARE the type of person to weigh yourself everyday than don't buy one. A few reasons. 1) some people become obsessed with weighing themselves everyday, sometimes more than once. This is bad and can be discouraging. 2) scales vary in weight measurement due to how they are calibrated or cared for. 3) If you start to train with weights and cardio, some people actually gain weight. This is due to their body building lean mass (This is sometimes the case with athletic people who need to cut or maintain certain weights for sports i.e. boxer, wrestler, etc. ).

This is the most important for really anyone (I think) that is trying to lose weight.

It is also about how YOU feel and not always about what the scale says. What if you have worked out for three weeks, you feel 50% better than when you started, you step on the scale and it reads 1lb in weight loss. This can be discouraging and hard to maintain a positive outlook on dieting and exercise.

A good alternative is to weigh yourself twice a month at your gym (if you have one) that way it is consistant (most of the time) and you won't want to weigh yourself everyday in front of a bunch of strangers.

Just some positives and negatives on having a personal scale.
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u shud get a scales which tells you body/water/muscle %. can buy one of ebay or something. they are great and have helped me because i wanted to make sure i wasnt losing muscle mass. for you, u may have a different issue though i duno. but anyways, the best thing u shud do is drop ur carbs low, and bring up proteins to supplement the carb energy. carbs are the first to go due to the easy glucose combination, (first to be used as energy from body) so that means if u have a lot of carbs...and u dont burn it off the remaining energy then goes and gets stored as glycogen in ur liver and muscles. once this is full, the remaining is fat. if u drop ur carbs...ur body will find no carbs for energy and go to the glycogen stores. this then helps because next is fat. also it can go straight to fat if ur using energy without any food intaked for the day (eg in the monring before eating) which is why its best to exercise on an empty stomach. the other thing is that the extra protein helps to maintain muscle mass and the muscles use the glycogen stores in it for the energy to maintain it. for all this to work u need to do weight training as well. REMEMBER THAT MUSCLE BURNS FAT! also...pump ur water intake to about 3 litres a day. its hard at first and u find u go to the toilet a lot, but ur body gets used to it TRUST ME i had this issue and its all good now. ive noticed so many benefits from increased water intake. i feel fuller! my skin is hydrated and clear, no marks on skin at all. no headaches at all and best of all because of this increase of protein the extra water flushes out excess toxins.
any q's?
plz. pretty much disregard almost all that chaos said. he is severely misinformed. instead, read some of the stickies that are written by people who actually know what they are talking about :) good luck

PS from personal experiance, loosing weight for me generally resulted from me counting my calories. but because you do not have a lot of weight to loose, this will take more time in your situation. the only thing chaos was correct about was that protein helps preserve muscle, i would probably aim for 85 or more grams per day for your body. preserving muscle will help you look more toned once you have lost the weight