Sport Soda...yay or nay?

Sport Fitness
I don't drink soda at all except on occasions and if I do it's diet soda. Any thoughts about it in general? is diet really better? how often can you drink it untill it hurts you? just any thoughts. Thank you.
Once in a while is probably ok but I would just stick to water.
water is pretty pure...
soda is horribly processed stuff, diet or regular.

once in a while isn't so bad but water is what the body (and plants) crave.
Agree with everyone else here, avoid sodas, diet or regular, altogether.
Soda's are filled with so many chemicals that do you no good, and can cause harm.
Water is so important for your body to function, your brain, muscles, cardiovascular system, would you dump sludge into your car's gas tank?
Water is really the only drink that is good for you. Soda is probably the worst of the other sugar drinks that are out there. The drink isle in any supremarket is probably the most unhealthy isle in there. Just because something says diet and has no calories, doensent mean its good for you, all that chemically enhanced and processed fake sugars are bad for you too.
Most diet sodas on our supermarket shelves have a new sugar-substitute called aspartame in them, which is many times sweeter than actual sugar (200x more). The chemical makeup allows the drink to be sweet with no or few calories.

The substance WAS approved by the FDA and has been used for years. But, it has come under review by different suggestions pointing to long term side effects.

I do not drink sodas at all. So, obviously, I'm not taking any chances because it's just not on my list of things to drink.

ALSO: I heard a rumor (may or may not be true) that long term use will decay memory function within the brain. Keyword here is 'rumor'.