soccer help

I could really do with some drills you guys could give me to help a defender. My tackling, espicially last ditch tackles are meant to be very good (according to my mates) but everything else is not great, ball control, shooting and that sort of thing arent great.... all i can do is boot it and tackle.
Any drills to help would be great! :)

You've replied to my injury post so you know I'm a sweeper. What part of defense are you? I started crazy conditioning on a competitive team at 8. I'll never forget it. We ran, ran, ran and guess what? ran. We had practice four days a week 3 hours a day. 2 days conditioning and 2 foot work, every once in a while we would scrimmage. I had offense training because i used be in offense but it help when i decided to switch. So basically, suicides, laps, suicides. We had hardly any time for a break, and in the long run it helped. Train as an offender besides shooting and it will help. Speed and agility will come and you need to be able to outrun opponent offenders. This will also help with leg strength for booting becoming even more helpful. And the occasional stuffing of the ball. So I would say suicides and laps and some footwork would work