So it's Christmas....

Thanks man. Merry Christmas to you to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a new yoga mat, slippers, an electric toothbrush, a dressage calender, and a wool coat :) Yippy for me!

I got my printer from Dasha, she totally surprised me with it. Its inkjet however so we are gonna look at the store to see if there is a comparable laserjet.

I was telling her to get me Magnificent Mobility by Eric Cressey and the New Rules of Lifting by Schuler and Cosgrove. I guess I'll get those myself.
Santa was GREAT to my kids. My youngest got Dora everything, my middle child got Thomas everything, and my oldest got remote control things and Xbox things. I got some clothes, a lot of things for my house, a nice GC for the was a good day...except my hubby is sick now. :( I feel so bad for him. He's really had it bad. :( Hope he will feel better tomorrow.

I hope tonight I get some sleep. I was up until 3:30am doing things (wrapping, cleaning, etc) and the kids got up at 6:30. I got a couple hours more after that. So I feel absolutely wiped.
I got screwed this year. I have to work the eve and the day of both holidays and the eve doesn't count as a business day, so I don't get anything extra.
An eliptical from the both of us to the two of us.
I should hope the home gym is now complete.
Now to find two hard bodies to put in it!
Santa got me: 2 sweaters, some jeans, a coffee maker (whoot), and some fancy thermal mugs. Can't wait to show off my 'cool' and 'hip' styles to all the gals at work! :)
Got great gifts :) Best was a nice set of cooking knives

Now I have the perfect excuse to buy a whole cow of meat, hey would be rude not to try out the gift properly right? :D
so far all I've really gotten is my UA shirt from Sean. oh and a holster for my gun.

there's some stuff coming I guess, but I gotta wait til we do another christmas exchange with my wife's brother and his family in Des Moines this weekend.
I know.. and I can't help it.