So I finally started doing HIIT...

Been doing it for the past couple weeks. I've been watching my diet more and more and running quite a bit, so to boost things up a bit I started doing HIIT almost 2 weeks ago. And HOLY CRAP does it wear you out! I haven't felt a burn like this in a long time. Running in excess of 3 miles, that definitely gets me tired. But by the third interval during the session I've already about kicked my arse. Dunno if it's helped boost fat loss any, but I can definitely feel the physical burn afterwards...

Anyway, that is all :D
Cool beans! It's great for endurance! Good job man! :beerchug:
yeah well done mate, one prob i have with hitt though is that ive been doing it for a while without knowing about hitt, anyways went for a check up with the doc and it turns out my metobolic rate is too high
Haha good work keep it up. The good thing is that HIIT increases your EPOC (post exercise oxygen consumption) which helps ramp up your metabolism and burns more fat!
That's good to know :D
I didn't really think much of it, but it already seems to have sped up my metabolism. Usually post work-out I don't feel hungry, but I can eat a horse after I'm done doing HIIT

Cool beans! It's great for endurance! Good job man! :beerchug:
The funny thing is that I thought my endurance was already pretty darn good, on a good day I can run damn near 3 miles without much issue. But like I said by the time I'm through with the 3rd interval (like 15? or so min in) I feel tired as all hell. Yesterday I did a 20 min session before lifting and I felt like a champ afterwards :action8:

One question though- Is it bad to lift after HIIT? Or as long as I feel up to it, go for it? :)
The funny thing is that I thought my endurance was already pretty darn good, on a good day I can run damn near 3 miles without much issue. But like I said by the time I'm through with the 3rd interval (like 15? or so min in) I feel tired as all hell. Yesterday I did a 20 min session before lifting and I felt like a champ afterwards :action8:

One question though- Is it bad to lift after HIIT? Or as long as I feel up to it, go for it? :)

I know what you mean :) It's amazing how changing something can make all the difference. You are "shocking" your muscles with the change in your exercise, and that is a good thing :) Our bodies get so use to ding one thing that I think we lose some of the benefits of it if we don't mix it up a bit.

Personally I think HIIT is pretty grueling, and would do my weights first. However, I am trying to build muscle. And you should consider, less chance of doing yourself some injury because you're tired.

Granted, you will probably struggle *more* with the HIIT for a bit, but eventually it will progress :)