so how important is weight capacity when buying treadmills/elliptical trainers?

My daughter is a little over 400 lbs. I want to get her a treadmill or elliptical trainer for Christmas and only have about $300 to spend. All the equipment in that category is rated for 250 lbs. Should I go ahead and get one for the lower weight capacity? Or can someone recommend a trainer/treadmill that will meet my budget and her weight? Thanks!!
I can't really help you out with where to get the piece of equipment... you will have to shop around where you live. But I really wouldn't recommend getting any equipment that is not rated for her weight... the motor and other parts will end up getting worn out or broken much more quickly and you will end up wasting your money. Would it be possible to use the money for a gym membership at a gym that has the proper equipment so that she can get her weight down first?