Weight-Loss Snacks!



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Hey, I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for healthy snacks? This is where I usually don't do well when it comes to healthy eating haha thanks!
I really like cucumber slices dipped in salsa! :)
I've recently taken up hummus. Carrots and hummus, bell peppers and hummus, etc. I like the roasted bell pepper flavor. I use it as a healthier alternative to dips/salad dressing.
Snacks are awesome and necessary! I love string cheese, pistashios (30) almonds (12) sliced tomatoes with pamesan cheese, I small container of Greek Yogurt, apple slices with a dab of peanut butter, cottage cheese and peppers, egg beaters and stir fried veggies, I could go on. Snacks should be in the 150 calorie range if you are trying to lose weight.
My go-to is fruit most of the time, or a low calorie cracker (rice crackers, for example) with something on top (hummus, cottage cheese, cottage cheese and tomato, peanut butter spread very thinly, Vegemite/ Marmite, etc), or celery (either plain or with something on top). Reduced fat yoghurt is also good. Sometimes I eat an entire punnet of cherry tomatoes while I'm studying (and do very little damage to the calorie allowance that way).

Depending on why you're snacking, also look at your liquid intake. Sometimes I just need flavour, rather than food, and so go for a glass of water with a splash of lemon juice in it (which is usually 5-10 calories, whereas most snacks will be at least 50).
AI second the salsa. I put that stuff on almost everything and it is always good!

I also enjoy whole grain bread with peanut butter. Just watch the serving size on that and pick a sugar/salt free peanut butter.
I think fruits are a great snack! I eat a lot of fruit salads, peanut butter and celery, carrots, low-cal cereals like fiber1, and light yogurt.