Weight-Loss Snack Or Not To Snack?



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Snack Or Not To Snack?


As kids most of us were taught to eat everything on our plate or pay the price.....Example...You can go back outside! I will ground You! and the saying People are staving in other countries!....I say COOL give it them, so I dont have to stuff my self, stretch my stomach and battle obesity all my life!!

Let me hear a HECK YA !!! on the above!!!

Are most of the members of the Weight Support Group has heard me say time and time again....

Our bodies are as ENGINES in a car...We need fuel to RUN PROPERLY.... My thoughts and past success came from eating 5 to 6 tmes aday!! Got That!! Do Ya??

So I do Say YES to SNACKS....I think we should eat a well balanced diet by eating 5/6 MINI MEALS per day...Through this we will fuel our bodied to RUN at top PERFORMANCE and burn more calories....If we starve ourselves...Sure we might loss some weight...But I beat you feel like CRAP!!! Count on it!

But, If we feed our bodies several. small healthy meals and exercise...You will loss weight and feel great...

Please let me know what you think about all in this posting..
It is very important to me to be on the same page with YOU...YES YOU and You and You

Best Wishes
i think each to their own. what works for one doesnt always work for another.

What you perceive as 'right' that works for you may not be right for another or work for them. I think thats probably the hardest part of weight loss is figuring out what works for you.

I know that if i get over hungry i overeat. so i tend to have a snack if i know a meal is going to be ages away and im already getting hungry. But as a rule i dont generally snack otherwise.
I'm with Liz. Having worked with a good number of people over the years, it's very evident to me that some will do better with lower meal frequencies per day rather than higher and vice versa.

It's a matter of finding what works for you and doing it consistently.

I don't like that some people just getting into weight loss are led to believe that they must be eating 5-6+ meals per day if weight loss is going to be realized... especially since there's no metabolic advantage.

For some it might satiate better, it will certainly regulate blood sugar, etc... but these don't make it ultimately superior.

As always, test things out. Keep what you like and disregard what you don't.
Well, With me 5/6 MINI Meals throughout the day is awesome with alot of Water.... This keeps me from gettiing Hungry and with these being mini meals it also helps from feeling overfull.....

Thanks for your thoughts thus far...
Rock On
Hawgdaddy 2009
Kick It In 09
And that's fantastic that you've been able to find methods that work for you.

When you say the following though:

Snack Or Not To Snack?


Some might get the impression that it's the only way to go about things. And that's what I was trying to express in my last post... people fall victim to believing there's one particular way they must go about losing weight and anything deviation from that is failure.

When it comes to weight loss... people tend to think in very binary terms.

It's simply something to be cognizant about, is all.

Best to you!
NOT to snack, for me at least.

when i was eating 3 snacks, 3 meals, it felt like all i was doing was eating and my day was revolving all around that. i was worried if i forgot to snack, which happened often. so now i only snack if i'm really hungry and a meal is a couple hours away...so normally a glass of water and a piece of fruit between lunch and dinner. it seems to be working.

to each its own.
I'm a fence sitter, although I tend to snack more than eat regular meals, if I can have a meal I will, or if I have to have a meal I will, but I still snack, because I like to eat, and well I can. Plus I feel I should always really have something in me, building up my strength for running or whatever it may be.
NOT to snack, for me at least.

when i was eating 3 snacks, 3 meals, it felt like all i was doing was eating and my day was revolving all around that. i was worried if i forgot to snack, which happened often. so now i only snack if i'm really hungry and a meal is a couple hours away...so normally a glass of water and a piece of fruit between lunch and dinner. it seems to be working.

to each its own.

Yup, and that's what a lot of my clients felt too. The approach caused more anxiety and ultimately frustration in their life.
If that works for you, that's great.

I've heard a lot of people say something similar, such as, "I listen to my body."

And the majority in this camp, at least in my experience, struggle.

Listening to your body is fine and dandy assuming you speak its language.
Something I read on this topic.... Thought I'd share....

our ancient ancestors did and you should to for healthy dieting.

There are reasons why you should, that are linked to our body and how it functions.

By eating frequently you achieve the following:

1. Eating frequently prevents hunger pangs and curbs over eating.

2. Eating more often keeps your metabolism working quickly so you burn calories more efficiently.

3. Food is also absorbed more efficiently and quickly when we eat regularly.

In affect you will feel healthier and have more energy as you will be using your metabolism as nature intended.
Number 2 is a myth. The amount of food is a lot more important than meal frquency. There is a stick thread about it somewhere on here.

1. Eating frequently prevents hunger pangs and curbs over eating.

I thought I expressed this clearly but obviously not.

It helps SOME PEOPLE curb their cravings.


Not so much.

2. Eating more often keeps your metabolism working quickly so you burn calories more efficiently.

This is false. I know I explicitly stated this above. If you have evidence suggesting otherwise, I'd love to see it.
By eating frequently you achieve the following:

1. Eating frequently prevents hunger pangs and curbs over eating.
For me it gives absolutely NO sense of satisfaction so therefore i was/am Always hungry...

Different strokes for different folks
our ancient ancestors did and you should to for healthy dieting.
our ancient ancestors also rarely made it to their 30th birthday without being eaten by a dinosaur...
So what type of meal plan is everyone eating? Even with the Biggest Loser people while on the ranch... They are eating the 5/6 mini meals per day.

There is alot of positive discussion how 5/6 mini meals help so much...

Happy Monday....

Hawgdaddy 2009
Haha, referencing the BL is sort of funny given the fact that it's about as far from reality as you'll get.

It's like saying, why does the scale say I weigh 200 lbs b/c when I flew to the moon, it was much lower than that.
hahaha nice :D