Smooth Treadmill experience

Hi all, I am a 33 year old male who is looking into a treadmill for walking/light running. I have been researching treadmills and am thinking about the Vision Fitness 9250 or the Smooth 6.25. I have tried the 9250 and liked it but can't find the smooth 6.25. My question is if anyone has any experience with Smooth treadmills and how are they (and/or how do they compare to the vision fitness treadmills?)
Thanks in advance!
Treadmill Question

Smooth is not a manufacturer of treadmills. They are a very good advertising company that markets fitness equipment. I would put my money in Vision or Bodyguard brand of treadmills. Both are actual manufacturers and offer great warranties with great network of dealers in case of problems.

Victor Proudian