small person needs help

Righty, I'm not that new to the whole working out thing, I've been doing it for a while. My current workout has gotten really old really fast, so I was poking around looking for something to do, and I found this 1 on 1 off routine. Let me know if it's okay, if anything should be added, removed, ect.

Crunches - 15-40 Reps
Bench Press - 10-12 Reps
Bent Over Row - 10-12 Reps
Shoulder Presses - 12-10-8 Reps
Lat Pull Downs - 12-10-8 Reps
Pull Downs (tricep) - 10-10-8 Reps
Bicep Curls - 10-10-8 Reps
Calf Raises - 10-10 Reps

I modified it a bit myself, because I'm not going to do leg workouts because of fear of growth stunting, I'm already really short and will not risk my extra few inches! :p What I'm looking for is strength, muscle mass and so on isn't really something I'm going to look at until I'm older.

Be brutal, for my sake. :biggrinsanta:

Oh yeah, I'm 13, 5'1 (maybe 5'2, didn't check for a while).
Working everything but your legs is going to get your body big, but leave your legs looking thin and stick like. Not make you really tall and grow more. :)

Erm, afew things I can pick out..

Why do 40 rep crunches? Work your abs just the same as any other muscle.
Why work more on arms than core strength and the biggest muscles?
Your never going to get big and strong by only working out, eating is equally important.

I think the reason it's getting old fast is because it's too complicated. Work your back, legs and chest. That's all you need to do to bake your cake. Then to put the iceing on the top, work on the smaller muscles. If you work on your arms first, and then do your back which also works on your arms, more than likely your arms will want to stop before your back does, so your back doesn't get much when your arms get everything, just something to think about when ordering exercises in a workout.
Alright, I'll make it 3 sets of 20 for crunches. I'm not really the skinny or small type (just short :bncry:) so I don't really have to worry about me getting mad huge and my legs looking like sticks. I'll start getting my legs into shape in a few years when I go to another gym when I move, right now I don't know popper form for 95% of all leg free weight exercises, and my gym doesn't have any machines. Leg exercises usually shouldn't stunt growth, but improper from could. And I know for a fact I'll be short, it's genetics. My dad is 5'4, my older brother 5'5ish, mom 5'1.

Other than some of these tiny things it's an okay routine, right? :boxing_smiley: