Sport Sleepy after lunch

Sport Fitness
G'dat guys,

I go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Maybe its becuase I'm not getting enough sleep regularly, but I always find after I have lunch when i am at work, I alsways get tired. Like eyes really heavy, almost falling asleep at my computer.

Is this becuase of lack on sleep or more to do my extra work load at the gym? Or a combination of both? Anyone else have any idea's they use for this probelm?
G'dat guys,

I go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Maybe its becuase I'm not getting enough sleep regularly, but I always find after I have lunch when i am at work, I alsways get tired. Like eyes really heavy, almost falling asleep at my computer.

Is this becuase of lack on sleep or more to do my extra work load at the gym? Or a combination of both? Anyone else have any idea's they use for this probelm?

If your overtraining at the gym this could cause fatique. Since your working out now, rest is the most important for recovery. You should be getting 8-10 hours of sleep a night. 8 being the minimum.

I get plenty of sleep. Its the summer, nobody will hire me so I'm sleeping in everyday :)
One possible though unlikely cause might be sleep apnea - do you snore a lot when you sleep at night?
Great suggestion Stingo, Rep+.

Sleep Apnea if I remember correctly. Can actually prevent the body from ever entering REM sleep. Meaning the most benefitial sleep is never attained. Even though you are sleeping 8+ hours a night.
It is possible that it is sleep apnea. How much do you weigh, as sleep apnea is much more common in individuals who are overweight.
Getting sleepy after lunch isn't that uncommon. It could be that, due to your workouts, you now need more sleep than you did. The act of digesting lunch - though you could previously power through it - now just zaps your energy for a bit.
I think the sleep apnea can be ruled out if the tc is saying that previous to the workouts, eating lunch hasn't caused fatigue. However, if you are overweight, ie a BMI of greater than 30, you should check with your doctor to see if you do have sleep apnea.

As for your lunch, what kind of food are you eating? Do you make it at home? Bought it at some fast food place? You should list your food and I'm pretty sure someone on the forum would know something about it.
Your lunch might either be too large or contain too many simple carbs. Too many carbs can cause your blood sugar levels to drop soon after eating. If you add more protein to balance the meal and eat more frequently then I bet this stops happening. Carb rich foods are also linked to a rise in serotonin release which causes drowsiness
...too many simple carbs. ...

That's what I was going to say. When I used to eat white bread, regular (non whole grain) pasta, potatoes, etc. I used to practically fall asleep after dinner every night. Now I only get carbs from whole grains, fruits, veggies (sweet potatoes and beans are awesome). I feel so much better....I felt better the first day eating this way.
Nah im not overweight. Im about 5'7 or 178cm and weight about 79kg.

I was thinking it has something to do with working out. I also get it in the mornings around 9.30 when I cycle into work during summer. Its now winter and i get it after lunch. When I was cycling, i was working on cutting down. i was having 2 meal replacement herbal life shakes a day plus a normal meal at home witht he family and protein shakes throught the day to help with hunger. Now that i am at the gym, I am roughly the same except I have increased my protein and usually replace the lunch meal replacement with a chicken sandwhich on wholemeal bread some mayo and cheeze. I usually eat this on the days after gym (I work out at night) and revert back to a shake on the days between workouts.

I will also most likely be lack of sleep as I am a part time student and study at night and get up around 6am in the morning for work. I also play touch footy on wednesday nights. So I guess, and I've been told this before, i am a pretty active person. lol

So I was wondering what if there were any healthy and lean foods I could add to my meals to help with energy. These simple carbs, i have seen them mentioned before but still dont have a good understanding of them.

Thanks for the feedback guys.