I exercise 5 days a week, in the morning, beginning at 5:15am till about 6:30am, where I walk for about 12 min, then jog for 10 min, then walk for 10 min, jog for 8 min, stretch for 10 min, jog for about 3 min, and walk back home in about 8 min. My average speed of walking is about 6kmph (little less than 4 mph) and jogging speed is about 8kmph (5mph). After I return, I feel like sleeping, which I do, for about an hour or maybe a bit more. My questions are:
Is this because I am not getting enough sleep in the night? I try to sleep by 10pm, but sometimes it gets stretched to even 11:30pm.
Or is it because I am over doing it?
Will this affect my weight loss program? I am currently around 170lbs and would like to get to about 155lb by end of june. I have been following this routine mon - fri, every week since the new year.
Appreciate any responses, and the more scientific they are, the better!
Thanks for all your advices in advance.
Is this because I am not getting enough sleep in the night? I try to sleep by 10pm, but sometimes it gets stretched to even 11:30pm.
Or is it because I am over doing it?
Will this affect my weight loss program? I am currently around 170lbs and would like to get to about 155lb by end of june. I have been following this routine mon - fri, every week since the new year.
Appreciate any responses, and the more scientific they are, the better!
Thanks for all your advices in advance.