Sleeping after exercise


New member
I exercise 5 days a week, in the morning, beginning at 5:15am till about 6:30am, where I walk for about 12 min, then jog for 10 min, then walk for 10 min, jog for 8 min, stretch for 10 min, jog for about 3 min, and walk back home in about 8 min. My average speed of walking is about 6kmph (little less than 4 mph) and jogging speed is about 8kmph (5mph). After I return, I feel like sleeping, which I do, for about an hour or maybe a bit more. My questions are:
Is this because I am not getting enough sleep in the night? I try to sleep by 10pm, but sometimes it gets stretched to even 11:30pm.
Or is it because I am over doing it?
Will this affect my weight loss program? I am currently around 170lbs and would like to get to about 155lb by end of june. I have been following this routine mon - fri, every week since the new year.
Appreciate any responses, and the more scientific they are, the better!
Thanks for all your advices in advance.
Well if you have some powdered gatorade right after it helps your body get back to normal much better. I really don't think that sleeping will hurt anything, and no your not pushing yourself too hard. Sorry dont know any scientific stuff, just from what I read it gets noted on what to do for certain situations such as yours. as for the sleep if your getting 8-9 hours then your probably doing fine, its just insulin needs to be brought up to normal after your workout ao some nice powdered gatorade will do that for ya. good luck and make sure your drinking enough water.
7 hours sleep may not be enough for you (all people are differnet). Going to bed at 11:30 and waking up at 5:00 to work out would KILL me (I'll assume you take 15 minutes to get dressed and brush your teeth).

The easiest way to test your theory is to go to bed early tonight, like 9:00ish and see how yoou feel after your workout tomorrow morning. :)
if you haven't been doing this for a long time, your body may just need some time to get used to this routine. During one of my Psyc classes at Uni, we were told something about our biological clock (for a lack of a better term). It states that everyone has a certain period during the night where you get optimal sleep ... if this time is at 4:30am for you, then you are interrupting it ... this clock can be changed over time by having a routine, but it can be a couple months. There are some other methods, but you'll need a lab and to be monitored by a sleep specialist ...
Thanks for all the replies. I know I am not getting enough sleep, which I need to address. My main concern is the sleeping after the exercise should not affect my weight loss program.
Well im new to the whole exercise thing but it seems the only time I get to do it is just before bed and it still seams to be working for me. Good luck :D
I altered my routine a little bit - instead of getting up at 4:45am, and starting out at 5:15, I get up at 5:25 and start at 5:50, and these past two days, I am feeling great. It looks like I need a little bit more sleep. Thanks for all your responses.
I prefer to work out in the morning, as I feel it is better than doing it at the night, as a morning work out keeps one's metabolism high thru out the day.
That’s great, you do what ever works best for you