Skinny-Fat Problem

Hi guys,

I am new on this forum so hello everyone! :) So my problem is that I am a skinny-fat 20 years old man. When I was 17, I lost 80 pounds putting me from 250 lbs to 170 in less than a year. But that big change in my body was not all that great...I lost a lot of muscle. While I was doing weight training and cardio at the beggining and also eating a balanced diet, I stopped weight training after about 3 months after the begining of my transformation. Very bad idea ! The reason I did this is because I thought cardio and eating well were the only things that could help me burn fat...Even my personnal trainer was like : " You have to start building muscle mass to continue your weight loss! " but I did not listen to him, I am very pig-headed. At the same time, I was taking fat burners, ephedra and other stuff on and off for about three years. I stopped all that medication recently since I now know that it makes you burn muscle. So it's been 3 years since I dropped that massive amount of weight and during those three years I was searching for the solution to drop the fat I still have on my body. I did soooo much cardio, bought a 3000$ treadmill, heavily reduced my calories, went on starvation diets, made myself vomit my meals but all this with very little results. The one thing I did not do during those 3 years was weight training. During that time I was really not satisfied with my body and I was wondering what were skinny and lean people doing to have their amazing bodies. I was not able to lose the weight even if ran like a rabbit for hours a week on the treadmill so I got discouraged. A paradoxal thing is that people were all amazed at all the weight I lost, my friends think i am lean and I even got scouted by a model agency. But if they knew... Because in clothes I look like the normal skinny guy but when I take my shirt off ( I never do this in front of other people ; I did not go to the beach/pool for the past 5 years because I was not confortable with the way my body looked), it's a whole other story because I look soft and fat. I even thought about liposuccion but I recently understood that I was skinny-fat and that I could work on it without surgery. I realized that my protein intake was not high enough and that I was not doing the right exercise. So I joined a gym and I've been working out for about 3 weeks (routine included bellow). I also started eating more....more protein ( lean meat, protein shakes ) nuts, greek yogurt, milk, fruits and vegetables but my diet is not the cleanest ( I sometimes eat ice cream, iced cappuccinos and donuts ). I do my workout 3 times a week and stopped the cardio since it eats muscles. I now weight 173 lbs and my height is 6 ft 2. I was wondering if you guys could give me informations to how to lose that skinny fat look. What is my approximate fat percentage? How long will it take to bring it to 12% ? I am a bit confused with the whole bulk and cut thing. I would like to cut right now but I think it is too early since my metabolim is not that high since I did not gain that much muscle mass...When should I see some results? How long until I go on a cut? Any inspiring stories to motivate me from former skinny-fat members? Should I take creatine or any other supplement ? Will I gain a lot of fat with the calorie surplus I am at right now?

My workout x3 times per week (realised by my personnal trainer)

5 minutes warmup on bike

3 sets of each, 12 reps

*Super set with machine



*Back muscles with machine

anyone, I need help please guys !!!:angelsad2:
the wall of text is a bit hard to take in but your routine lacks balance and apart from bench press is all machines which is not optimal.

I would suggest that to start a diary in the diary section and start logging all of your food and all of your workouts so we can get a better idea of what your doing and where to make changes.

you dont need creatine or suppliments