Skin tag removal?


New member
I'm not interested in home remedies...I don't want to cut them off or tie them off with string. I don't have anyone to help me carry that out anyway.

I want them removed by a doctor in a professional setting; I have six distributed in both armpits that need to go because they are bothering me when I work out and when I shave.

Has anyone ever had this done? Does insurance generally cover it, or is it a cosmetic procedure? I'm assuming I would go to a dermatologist to have this done...they could do it right there in the office, right?
I don't knwo about insurance and I haven't had this done.

About whether or not it can be done on the office it depends on characteristics of the tag. If it is really a tag, it can be removed there, but certain characteristics point toward a more careful procedure. That is still done at the office (or hospital) on the basis "get in - get it done - get out", however some offices don't have the necessary infrastructure or personnel and you may be required to go to another office.
i had this done a couple times. Both armpits and neck. My insurance paid for it except co-pays and amount my policy coverered. My insurance covers 90% of the bill and i'm responsible for 10%, that sort of bull shit.

They literally used a pair of scissors to cut them off and it was just a pinch. just a slight sting after and gone within 48 hours. I had several under each arm and i didnt think it was a big deal.

Mine werent considered cosmetic because the doctor said in his report they were causing an irratation and getting caught on my clothes.

Hope this helps.

I need to get some skin tags removed as well. I've thought about doing it myself, but there's just a mental block that won't let me do it :D
After paying some toward my removal and seeing what he did I now will take them off myself. Yes, i know, probably not the smartest thing i have ever done and it doesnt hurt anymore than when the dr took them off. Also, they dont come back that quick so i can usually get them when they are small.

Thanks y'all; I'm squeamish and can't see myself cutting off my own skin tags, especially since I can't pull them taut and clip them off myself, only having 2 hands.
Its a very simple procedure. Most PCPs can do it in a short visit. Either cutting or freezing off most likely. As far as insurance, all should cover. The skin tags can be sent off for a biopsy, so no one really should have to pay out pocket much.

As far as home removal, if you are cutting be aware that you can bleed. A lot. I've cut off three skin tags. One small one on my neck and two in my groin region (on thigh and just below belly). They all bled a bit, but the neck one (very small) bled the most.

If you notice a change in color or in how they feel I would see a doctor (just like with a mole.)
I have been needing information about this. I have them on my neck, a couple on my arm pits, and really small ones forming right below my eye with I wouldn't even consider cutting off myself lol.
I have been needing information about this. I have them on my neck, a couple on my arm pits, and really small ones forming right below my eye with I wouldn't even consider cutting off myself lol.

I should have updated the thread; I had mine removed at the dermatologist a couple of weeks ago. They injected painkillers under the skin at each site so I wouldn't feel it when they cut them off. They did do a good job cutting them off but so far I have scars where they all were. I scar easily so don't let that put you off. I am assuming the scars will fade with time! It wasn't cheap either, my insurance did not cover it so it cost $150. It was worth it though.
Insurance will cover it if it is causing pain, bleeding, infection etc.
Go see your dermatologist and explain the pain, bleeding and infections ;-)

I was lucky to find a dermatologist that made me a deal in that she would remove the "troubling" ones and would give me a great deal on the rest.

Had like 12 removed for what was essentially $10.00 each.

Sprayed them with liquid nitrogen and snipped them off.
My neck looked like swiss cheese for a week but it was worth it.

Now can anyone tell me what actually causes these things?
They are more common in obese individuals. Typically they occur in places that rub together (though can grow pretty much anywhere), so thats probably got somethign to do with it.

Obese peoples got more folds to rub.
They are more common in obese individuals. Typically they occur in places that rub together (though can grow pretty much anywhere), so thats probably got somethign to do with it.

Obese peoples got more folds to rub.

I had some on my neck mostly, maybe its rubbing in general, because I didnt have skin to skin rubbing but it was more like clothing to skin as I have a pretty big neck
did the home removal method by cutting them off with a pair of scissors...this was in my much younger, i can't wait to see a dr phase....i wouldn't recommend it...they can bleed for a while and you can't always get as close to the base as someone else could. saw this on the Doctors though and the plastic surgeon dude did it...he said it was a fairly simple office procedure..little ones can be snip and cauterized while the large ones may have to be tied off to kill the blood supply and will fall off...i have a few that need to be removed and you can bet ur booty i'm going to the drs for these. hope that helps