skin care

as a 22yr old male, i dont bother with anything on my skin besides soap, water and lotion
i even only put lotion on areas that will be visible when i go out

im just checking if this is efficient skin care, dont want to get old and have weird defects with my skin
Hope this is of value: I am 46 (august 25th), and I have not used any lotion nor have I suntanned in the sun or overally exposed my skin to the sun, and currently have no complications with the skin--that is age related. Sure, I have lost some skin elasticity (this comes with age, and though one can TRY to slow this down, it will eventually get one in the end). In reality, correct diet and weight training will do more for your skin than any lotions--or have the most impact, to rephrase. I feel better, look better, than when I was 22 years old.

You are just 22, dont be overally concerned with it, unless you currently have problems.


ROCK ON! with your young self!

Best regards

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At your age, the skin tends to be very elastic and will bounce back, and responds well due to what I call "vibrancy" biologically in youth. I tend to favor treating one on the inside to expose fruits on the outside. We tend to be what we consume. Just food for thought.

Best regards
