Skeptic to "magical" supplement combinations

Hi my name is Wesley, I'm 18 and I'm sitting at 172lbs. I'm trying to change my lifestyle habits so that I can feel better about myself and actually get some sleep at night.


I've been hearing about these "magical" supplement combinations that will bulk you up. I was just wondering if anyone has used them in the past and what not.

Here are the supplement combinations and their websites:

Big Time and Acai Force Max

Detox Xtreme and Burn Xtreme

Please, any information would be great.

PS: I know that supplements can never out do actual excercise, but I'm curious and skeptical about them.

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It's bull.
I removed your links as you could very well just be a spammer.
None at the moment, but I'm trying to change my lifestyle and I'm adding excercise to it. I've never really excercised in my life so I'm kind of weak and I don't like going to the gym because I'm afraid people are going to be laughing at me because I'm lifting such light weights.
Don't worry about that, we all start out somewhere. A lot of the big guys and gals at the gym might look like they don't like you, but they just look that way because they are serious about what they are doing. Go to the gym and work out without being afraid of that. Also, read around a bit to find out what kind of exercise you should be doing to reach your goals.
as long as you look like you have a clue in the gym, nobody will notice you.
trust me, those big 'hulk' guys are very focused on their own routine and won't even see other members, let alone 'judge' them.'

and we'll help you learn what to do so you look like you know what you're doing :)