Sit Ups

I am having trouble doing sit ups. I am crossing my arms across my chest and its hard for me to raise up to my knees. I am wondering what I could do. I have about 20 days to get into shape for a physical agility test and I can do everything but the sit ups. I can barely get my shoulder off the ground. The only way I could do them is put my feet under the couch and then its really hard. Anyone have any suggestions let me know.

There are two things you can do...

1. Do another ab exercise which will give you enough ab strength to do your beloved sit ups -> Crunches, Leg raises, In and Outs, Berry Picking (Or Mason Twist), Pank, Bicycles...etc.

2. Try reverse sit ups. Start with your elbows past your knees and then let yourself down as slowly as possible, once you build enough ab strength to do a few... work your way up.

Now... the goal is to "UP" yourself once per session. Let me explain. Say one workout session you were able to do 3.

Next time, step it up, do 4.

Then the next time push for 5... and by the time you know it, you will reach whatever goal you want.

Small improvements over time, yield extra-ordinary results.

Good luck.
Yeh try some other exercises that will strengthen your abs first. Then you will be able to progress. Dont rush into things. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

Good luck with the test
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Good luck on your journey and i hope you reach your goal as quick as i did.
