Sit ups, Press ups... shut up perhaps?


New member
hehe.. sorry about the title... im taking the mickey out of myself there. :p


I was wondering if i should be doing a few sit ups, press ups etc in the morning or before i go to bed just to tone a few areas of my body. Does anyone else do these everyday? I'm just trying to work out if they really work and are necessary?
I dont know I do 8 minute abs and get a great workout. It has situps and things to do its definently good to add those things to your workout. But I have 4 kids so I need to do them.
i havent been doing crunches lately but when i was doing about 80 a day, i did start noticing a slight 4 pack just under the surface. my lower abs are shot from pregnancy and c-section so i dont think i'll ever see the rest! i really need to start doing them again...
really? so you guys think i should be doing some?

I just can't be bothered.. there was a time when i did 50 cruches before i went to bed.. and at least 5 press ups in the morning when i woke up. Guess i should get back into it... means i have to keep my room tidy though so i have floor space to do it in. hehe :D
Actually.. does anyone know any good exercises that are relativly easy to do that would get rid of bingo wings? I hate the top half of my arms.. all this wobbly flab! haha
i think you should do something like that before you go to bed because you'll just be sleeping doing no physical activity what so ever. i do about 1000 crunches a night but i dont see an improvement, am i doing something wrong?
You can't spot reduce fat... meaning, by doing those 1000 crunches, you are just working the muscle underneath the fat.. making the muscle more dense which will give you the illusion that you got 'bigger'... Eatting clean is 80% of your success in losing that stomach...
okay.. so we have to eat well but also do crunches, weight lifting etc to build up the muscle under the fat.. so that when the fat goes through our good eating and exercise, the muscle will be able to be seen.

Have i got that right?
Correct to a certain extent... your abdominals are just like any muscle in the body, they need rest so they can rebuild, but if you exercise them daily, you're going to fatigue them out and they won't build (and they won't help burn calories)...

Your workout program should be a total body program based more on compound movements rather than sitting in machines...
Probably not as quick as you'd like them, for the fact that there is no resistance on your abdominals except fighting fatigue... Try more stuff like Stability Ball Crunches, Stability Planks, Crunches w/ holding a plate/barbell/resistance tubing, etc...
I would stay stick with the ab exercises. You can also search around the web for other good exercises. Lots of good information out there.
If you want to get really good with getting up in the morning, stick with ab exercises like JustStopEating said... If you want to get your abs to show or trim down the wait, gotta be diet....
Doing exersizes in the morning/evening tones my muscles and makes me feel stronger. Just like Dex said, to get rid of fat you have to have calorie deficit, and you have no say which part of the body the fat dissapears from first. Personally I can loose 10 lbs and barely an inch off my waist/hips, cause that's the part that slims down the last for me. You may or may not get any definition from the muscle work depending on how much fat is there, but it always made me feel better.