Since I Was Young

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Hi, I'm Aimee from California. I'm 21 years old and turning 22 in a couple weeks :D! Woo hoo! I'm here to introduce myself so hopefully you all get a sense of who I am and where I'm coming from.


{ The Past }

I was overweight since I was in 5th grade. My mom always had me join weight loss programs on and off since the 7th or 8th grade. Of course, being a kid and a careless teenager that I was, I didn't really put much effort into losing weight to stay fit. I've always been shy, but very social - so I was always in the popular crowd and was never called fat or chubby and I was never teased for being overweight.... so I didn't care coz all I did care about at the time was fitting in.

I worked out at the gym and played sports because it was something I enjoyed doing. It was just my eating habits that kept me overweight.


{ The Present }

This year, I'll admit that I haven't gone to the gym as much as before. My eating has been basically the same, except for the addition of a few more pizzas during get togethers per month.

Now that I've matured and care more about my health than my popularity, I want to make things right. I want to slim down and be healthy. I don't like the feeling of getting tired easily and the annoyance of hearing myself breathe when it's quiet. I just wanna be active!!

I've been studying a lot for my final exams the past couple weeks, but instead of trying to make excuses like I used to do, I will start eating better and working out more.

I'll be posting my Start Weight and Current Weight tomorrow after I return from the gym.... and that's when I'll start my diary :)


Sorry this post was so long! I'll be back again tomorrow to post about everything. Take care everyone~

Hi hun...glad you found us! Have you found a diet that your interested in? I was going to suggest starting a diary but you beat me to it! Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!!
newbride02 said:
Hi hun...glad you found us! Have you found a diet that your interested in? I was going to suggest starting a diary but you beat me to it! Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!!


I haven't found a diet yet. I started off eating less than usual today and increasing my H20 intake and continue that for tomorrow. I wanted to try this to kinda get my body used to the change. Then, I was gonna go through the diet list to find one that's best for me. What diet do you suggest I start off with?

I also took time out of my day and set it for exercise. My boyfriend is supporting me 100% so he'll be accompanying me to the gym.

Thanks and take care!

The only thing i know is that you shouldn't cut out so many calories or you'll body will go into "starvation mode" and store up the fat. Just eat little meals throughout the day. When I say little, I mean like an apple or any other fruit, a granola bar. Stuff like that. Just try and cut out all the unneccessary calories like from pop and junk like that.

Good luck!!! :)
Thanks for the advice Crimson Moon! I knew about the "starvation mode" reaction that our bodies get, but I totally forgot!

I have a lot of things I need to be cutting out..... hehe.
Me too...
The hardest to cut out is pop....stupid...deliciousness...
and popcorn.
:) If I can do can too.
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