Simple exercises to Burn Stomach Fat

I'm 6" and about ~177lbs, and I just started running about 2 miles(tread mill) every few days to get a better shape.

I have gained a little stomach fat from college, and I'm wondering what are some simple exercises that I could do at home with no special equipment to burn some stomach fat.

I'm not looking for muscles, just something simple that will help burn off some stomach fat, that I can try in addition to my regular running.
aside from cardio you should look after your diet.
calculate your bmr and tdee (google the formula) and substract 500 of the tdee. the number resulted is your daily goal towards kcals.

try and eat more vegetables, drop fast foods, fried foods and sweets.
also, eat meat or eggs at least twice/day, also eat more low fat diary, and nuts (not too many, tho)

also, rice is a good idea, along with mushrooms.

answering your question.
you could search youtube for different circuits that will help you burn fat (charliejames1975 has a lot of these).
but you could stick to basics, like jumping jacks, squat thrusts, burpees, ect.

weightlifting and building muscle will also help you lose weight because more muscle means higher bmr, thus more calories to eat each day.
As suggested above you will have to do cardio and sort your diet out to reach your goal faster, so the more cardio you do and the cleaner you eat the leaner you'll get over time.

I'm a firm believer that you need good core strength exercises in your weekly routine more so than specific abs exercises (save those for when you get your six pack and can show off). With a good core you will be making a solid foundation for all the extra abs exercises you will no doubt be doing :) Great core exercises are dead lifts, hanging leg raises, plank twists/ 1 leg 1 arm planks, power boat pose held for 1+ minutes, slow hip raises, also see and for a good list of other abs exercises! Also ALWAYS warm up the abs first, like with any other exercise routine, AND never count your reps, simply do as many reps as you can until you feel the burn. When you feel the burn push your self till you feel you cannot hold or perform the move with correct form and then take a break for a minute and do the exercise again if you want.

You know you have to reduce your total body fat percent to single digits for your abs to really have great definition (there will always be exceptions to this but not for the majority of us) and that takes time, more than anything. So watching what you eat will play a big part in this. A good thing to do it eat your starchy carbs in the morning and for the rest of the day stick to vegetable and lean meat based meals so that all the carbs you eat are burned off each day.

It's best if you know your body fat percentage too. Once you set out what days you will run and what days you will weight lift, when you introduce a calories deficit you will be able to work out what percentage of fat you are losing, compared to muscle loss. You will lose some lean mass when you cut, it's absolutely unavoidable (again there will always be exceptions) but if you lose 1kg in a week, of which 80% of that is from fat, 10-15% is from muscle and the rest water, then you did well! If you don't know your body fat percentage then you will never know your fat - lean mass percentage loss each week and when you hit a plateau (sticking point) it will be harder to know what to change.