Sick of Feeling Unmotivated?

Lately, while I haven't been blogging as much as before this semester started, I've been using my spare time to learn a bit more about how to write effectively. During this time, I've been letting ideas about motivation percolate a bit, and have finally spewed this out.

Here's a teaser:

How do you feel about exercise?

“I know I should do it,” you tell me.


“I know I should exercise, but it’s hard. I feel awkward and embarrassed by exercising, like everyone’s going to be staring at me, judging me for not looking fit enough.”

So then, you have compelling reasons not to exercise. Have you ever tried working out with a friend?

“My friends and family never go to the gym. Honestly, who does?”

So then, not only do you have negative associations with exercise, you also lack positive associations with it, and have no one supporting your or encouraging you to do it.

And how do you feel about healthy diet?

“It just seems so boring and gross. And I’ll never get to eat anything I like!”

So you love the food you currently eat?


And you can’t see yourself feeling the same way about healthier food?


So then, you’ve got strong reasons to continue eating the way you’re eating, and to continue avoiding exercise.
It's good! =)) There are a lot of such people. It's their own choice.