Shoulder rehabilitation

Hey everyone, im new on the site and i have a few questions. I recently fractured my scapula [shoulder blade] and my healing time is about over. I am looking into buying an exercise machine but i am unsure what type i should get because of my shoulder. this also might help, ive had some knee problems and a back problem [osgood slacters (cant spell that) with my knees and i lost my lordosis (curvature of spine) in my back] I dont know what type of excercise machine or equiptment that i should get. I have a orthepidic appointment soon and i am going to ask my doctor then but i would also like to know what the excercise community has to say ;)

Thanks a bunch

Well, I have the same thing with my knees. I don't think you spelled it right, but I'll be damned if I can do a better job.

Honestly, with all of your health requirements I would wait until you hear what the doctor has to say. I would be surprised if you can't at least do some low impact stuff like swimming and biking, but I guess some of it might not work with your back etc... So get that professional advice on what NOT to do. Then come back here and let us know what your goals and limitations are. That is important because even though my knees are FUBARd, I still do squats and run...
If you are looking for the best exercise equipment (in my opinion) you should get the following things:
A swiss ball - very cheap and versatile exercise tool, many exercises that are beneficial for shoulder rehabilitation.
Total Gym – This is in my opinion by far the best home (and gym) exercise equipment money can buy. It is perfect to rehabilitate your shoulder, no wonder it is used extensively amongst PTs for rehab. Go to their website to see what I’m talking about.
Dumbbels or a physio cord for resistance.

What ever you do, don’t buy exercise equipment that restricts your shoulder movements. Restricting the shoulder into 2D movements is not going to do you any good in the long run.
Start slowly doing simple shoulder movements and then progress into heavier more complex movements. Let pain be your head coach. If the exercise is painful and especially if the shoulder stays painful after exercising you are getting ahead of yourself, slow down and master the simpler exercises.

Many people have a flat back and it is not always a problem although it can become one. I believe that the exercise program should be designed to accommodate for your problems. This is not a simple thing. You should get a qualified CHEK practitioner to help you with your exercises, go to the CHEK institute website ) where you can find a practitioner near you.

Hope you are going to an orthopeadic that has some respect and knowledge on rehabilitation and exercises.

All the best
Haraldur Magnusson
Osteopath B.Sc. (hons)
Golf Biomechanic