Should I work out today?


New member
I did a weights routine I found in my Shape magazine yesterday. By last night, my glutes and my thighs were sore as *&^$. This morning, I can barely walk. I need to do cardio today, but I'm reluctant to, because I'm a waitress, and I have a 6 hour shift I have to pull tonight, and I can't be gimping around the restaurant~you have to be fast on your feet on a Friday night in that place! I don't want to make myself worse off than I am now (and it hurts pretty bad), and I'm going to be on my feet all day because I'm a SAHM as well. What would you do?
Maybe try to walk for 10-15 minutes and then have a good stretch session, help loosen things up?
1. Don't follow workouts you find in magazines. Majority of them are bogus. They need to come out with so many "new" ideas each month. That being said, since they are forced to create new workouts all of the time, most of them end up being fluff.

2. I would do the cardio. Active recovery goes a long way with DOMS.
So working out will help with my soreness? I'll be able to walk tonight? Long as that's the case, then okey dokey!
Haha, I am not promising anything. But active recovery should alleviate some of the DOMS. Just don't kill yourself.
Oh trust me, I wouldn't be able to kill myself if I wanted to. Wow, it hurts. I'm probably going to get on the recumbant bike. I've noticed that if I sit for too long, they start to hurt again.