Should i take creatine? should i take protein?

I've been lifting on and off for a couple of years now, and I've heard of people who use creatine and protein. I was wondering, should i take it? My primary goal is to lose weight without losing muscle. Also, when in my daily routine should i take these things?
if you take it depends on your situation.

if you cant eat enough protein during the day, protein shakes can help. they're mostly used after a workout because most ppl would rather have something quick at this time rather sitting down and eating something.

as for creatine, the main point of using creatine is to help get in a few more reps when you're training for size. some ppl do find it helps to maintain strength levels when trying to lose bodyfat.
Abear is right in both senses, but I will go a little more in depth if he does not mind ;).

SHOULD you use creatine is not the question. It should be, do YOU feel that Creatine will help you with your goals. I believe in mainly natural building with little supplementation, but some supplements are useful.

Creatine will increase the water weight in your muscle cells, thus increasing the energy you will be able to exert during your muscle contractions. Will it help you with your one rep max? No. Will it raise the amount of weight you can hold during repeated reps? Yes, and sometimes dramatically. Some people do not respond to creatine supplementation. However, the percentage of people who do not respond to creatine supplementation is pretty small, something like 5-10% of users I believe (someone correct me if I'm off). Creatine will have no direct effect on your fat loss goal. In theory, it will help you use more weight during repetitions, which will lead to increased muscle gains, which in turn will lead to an increased metabolism, which will lead to greater calories burned, which will lead to a lower total bfp! All things remaining the same, of course. I've tried creatine. I like it. I feel a little more energized, I like the initial gains (although its water weight), and I have greater muscular endurance when taking creatine. One small side effect I've noticed is breakouts. Companies claim that this is not from creatine supplementation, but I believe that's bull****. Many people I know have had the same effect. Nothing bad, but slightly increased acne, I have found, is a common side-effect.

Protein shakes can certainly be beneficial. I recommend using one highly. Go to and find out why. I just explained all about protein shakes in a lengthy thread so I do not really feel like going into it again.

If you are going to go the supplement route, and feel like adding some supplements to help you acheive your goals, here are some I feel actually benefit you in some way.

1) Protein Powder. Milk, egg, and fast acting whey. I believe this is the most useful supplement one can buy. My favorite is Biotest Grow!. I also like Amplify.
2) Multi Vitamin. With todays food choices it is getting harder and harder to take in the daily recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals. A good multi is not only beneficial for recovery from workouts, but also great for overall health. Its hard to go wrong when picking a multi, really. I recommend just about any brand. I use GNC mens multi.
3) Omega 3/6/9 fatty oils from fish and flax seed. You can get either a powder or capsule. Just about any brand is good. These help with overall health and brain function.

Those are the top three on my list on order of importance. If you can't afford anything else, those are what I recommend.

If you have the extra money...

4) Digestive aids. Sometimes it gets difficult to digest the large amounts of protein, these help.
5) Creatine. This is not needed. It can increase muscular strength. Some studies have shown that people who use creatine gain up to 2 folds more LBM than people who do not supplement with creatine. Don't let companies fool you into buying their creatine because they ADDED some other ingredient. This "secret" ingredient isn't what will give you the results. The creatine itself will give you the results. Look for a creatine monohydrate, any pure, creatine monohydrate will do. Look for the cheapest pure monohydrate you can get if you choose to supplement with creatine.
6) Thermogenics. I have mixed emotions about these. Sometimes I believe its risky business messing with your metabolism this much. Taking a product for 2 months that alters your metabolism, then all of a sudden haulting the use of this product could have a letdown effect. I've never had a problem with fat, so I really haven't used these sorts of products too often. A few months ago before a shirtless modeling gig I used a thermogenic to help lower my BF% a little bit, and it I can't lie, it did help some in combination with a slight caloric deficit. I used a product called Tight!, by a company called San. It really revs up your energy and increases mental alertness/focus. However, one problem I experienced was a headached and letdown in the morning after taking it.
7) Energy boosters/caffeine. Sometimes its hard to get motivated and energized before a workout. I use these sometimes when I am dragging into the weightroom. Heavy leg day...sometimes it's hard to get motivated for something like that! Deads and squats, lunges...that's when I occasionaly use one of these *chuckle*. I've used Powerdrive by Biotest, and simple caffeine tabs. Both work well. Powerdrive has less of a letdown effect than caffeine does.

Supplements can only aid you in your goals. Supplements can't give you the results, they can only help you to acheive those results more efficiently. Do not buy a supplement and think that by taking this supplement and not working hard you will get what you desire. Yes, supplements can be incredibly useful, when combined with a good diet and an effective training program. When I took Tight!, the thermogenic, I did lose a couple percentage points off of my bfp. Was it because of the Tight!? No. It was because of the training program, caloric deficit, and hard work IN COMBINATION with Tight!. When you go to buy a supplement, be sure to remember that this supplement can only aid you in your desire to acheive your goals. The supplement alone will not give you results. Supplement companies will tell you "By taking this product you will look like this!" That's bull. Hard work plus that supplement will make you look and perform the way you want. Many times, you don't even need the supplement.

P.S: I tried to post the pic of my shirtless modeling gig. However, a message came up saying the file was to big. I'm trying to figure out how to shrink the size down. I know a lot about nutrition and training, but my knowledge of technology is rather low! We all want to know that the person who gives the advice practices what he preaches so I wanted to show that. Blasted technological barriers prevent me from doing so.
Genius said:
P.S: I tried to post the pic of my shirtless modeling gig. However, a message came up saying the file was to big. I'm trying to figure out how to shrink the size down. I know a lot about nutrition and training, but my knowledge of technology is rather low! We all want to know that the person who gives the advice practices what he preaches so I wanted to show that. Blasted technological barriers prevent me from doing so.

  • Open your picture with Paint, which comes with Windows;
  • Press CTRL-A to select your graphic;
  • Move the mouse to the bottom right of your picture until the mouse cursor displays a diagonal doublesided arrow;
  • Hold down the left mouse button while moving the mouse diagonally up and to the left until the picture is an appropriate size (this depends on what size graphic you want);
  • Press CTRL-C to copy the graphic;
  • On the toolbar menu, pull down Image and select Attributes;
  • Change the Width and Height values to each equal 5 and press OK;
  • Press CTRL-V to paste the graphic and the image attributes should adjust automatically to fit the picture;
  • On the toolbar menu, pull down File and select Save As;
  • Change the original filename so you don't write over it and press Save.



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