Should I return to racquetball?

After playing for some 4 years, I finally had a nasty injury while playing racquetball. Last week I ran really fast to get the ball and somehow I twisted or rolled the wrong left knee collapsed and I went down hard!!!!

Bottom line: MRI shows a lateral tear in the meniscus and possible injury to the ACL. I'm getting better, but I'm starting to wonder if I should come back to the sport. Here are some thoughts, please offer your suggestions:

It's fun
It's exercise
I enjoy the competitive fun with friends (regular league buddies)

Now that I bike, swim & weight-train, and my skill level is up...racquetball is no longer the exhausting, finish with your t-shirt all wet demanding sport. I'm sure I burn some calories, but it's not like it used to be.

Each night it takes me away from my family and my wife wouldn't mind if I scaled back on it.

I'm really concerned about re-injury. I severally damaged this same knee about 23 years ago in a dirt-bike accident. I'm not sure I can really come back 100% this time...the injury is going to be more prone to happen and I just don't want to go throgh this again. This injury destroys my spinning, swimming, biking and basic ability to enjoy friend, the othropedic surgeon, says Racquetball is an injury waiting to happen...and he's right; over the course of some many years I've seen many guys come & go. As the club pro says, racquetball beats you up and destroys your's a high-impact sport with a good chance of injuries. Not my swimming or spinning or weight-training...and I do my riding on fire-roads to keep the chances of falling low. All my other activities aren't threatening, but racquetball is...and it's the activity I get the least cardio, weight-training benefits from.

So maybe it's time to hang-up my racquet.

Someone is going to tell me to take it easy. That's like telling an alocholic not to drink...or a kid not to eat any candy on Halloween. I can't help it: I'm full-throttle on the court...there is no taking-it-easy, it's a fast, quick & demanding game.

The only thing I can think of is to get one of those complex, custom-fitted knee braces...ya know, Robo-Brace..looks like it replaces your entire joint.

But again, there's HIT IT AGAIN, or HANG UP THE RACQUET, but there is no

Your opinions please.....
BSL, just like in your business where you have to weigh the cost/benefit ratio of "taking a job", so too do you have to do that with your choices of recreation.

I started snowboarding at the age of 40 in 1998 and promptly broke my left leg in 2001 and hung up my board. I also quit playing beer-league softball because the injuries I sustained.

It looks to me like you have already made the decision to hang up your racquetball gloves, or at least back off on it, and are looking for confirmation that that is the right decision. Well, IMO, it is the right decision.
:rofl: no wonder I hammered you in raquetball so bad!!! you would hang up your raquet! not yer gloves ding dong-a-rama-!!!!
what? jus cuz yer heart is goofed up -I aint givin ya the sissy pants treatment.

did I mention I am feeling bettah!

It looks to me like you have already made the decision to hang up your racquetball gloves, or at least back off on it, and are looking for confirmation that that is the right decision. Well, IMO, it is the right decision.

Ewwwww.....insightful. I think you're right, I rather did spell-out my thoughts in such a way that it rather reflects what I'm thinking. I really want to play the sport and I enjoy all the comradary....but the thought of my knee blowing-out again is just agonizing. I think it was slightly weak from my accident some 23 years ago, and now (after this blow-up) it'll be even weaker. At this point, being injured, it's very easy to have issues with imaging playing again...but many people say I'll be back. I'm still concerned my knee will be still weaker and even more prone to this happening again.

Figures, I'd just blown $200 on a nice carbon-fiber hi-tech racquet! :(

But seriously, of all my activities, racquet is the most dangerous and risky, is the highest impact to the body damage-wise and also returns the least amount of benefits in terms of burning calories & building muscle. Rationally, I should hang-up the racquet.....but I'm just sorting things out.
It's too soon! Period.

When you come back from an injury, there is always a nagging doubt about re-injuring it, if it's really ok. That's normal. You'll have to get over that at some point, if you do want to play. But you just got hurt last week and they can't even tell if the ACL is damaged. Right now, this is not the "will I re-injure myself on a healed area of prior injury" question.

It's also too soon to decide if it's time to give up racquetball for good. Let yourself HEAL from the injury, keep rehabbing it doing stuff that doesn't stress the injury (swimming and whatnot), and once it's better, then you can stop and think about how much you missed racquetball during your recovery period and what your life would be like without it...
Very good point too....

Being recently injured, it's easy to contemplate never returning to the sport. I'll see how it goes. The bummer news is that everyone says those braces really won't stop the injury from re-occurring....they just lend some limited support and some even suggest they just serve to remind you that you need to take it easy on that area.

I'm already feeling better. I'll stick with physical therapy and see how it goes. Not like I have a choice.
Now that I bike, swim & weight-train, and my skill level is up...racquetball is no longer the exhausting, finish with your t-shirt all wet demanding sport. I'm sure I burn some calories, but it's not like it used to be.

Each night it takes me away from my family and my wife wouldn't mind if I scaled back on it. .

This would set off an alarm bell if it were me - where there's smoke .......there's fire ? It's the old..... ' if you're wife ain't happy...ain't nobody happy ! ' mind set.

If you ditch the racquetball in lieu of spending more time with your family - it's all good. Family first.

You can easily derive the cardiovascular benefits you got from racquetball in other ways ( ditto for the quickness, agility etc. you got from racquetball ) and likely in ways that are transparent - time wise - to your wife & family.

btw - do you do any outdoor exercise with your wife ?........... Golfing ? Walking ? Jogging ? Swimming ? Biking ? Tennis ?
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Do you do any outdoor exercise with your wife ?........... Golfing ? Walking ? Jogging ? Swimming ? Biking ? Tennis ?

In the summer the kids and I swim a bunch, other then that they're pretty much glued to the tv & computer. they're 8 & 5 years-old.

I'm still going to the gym Monday nights and swimming.....and finishing in time to meet the racquetball guys for dinner. As for Wednesday nights, that racquetball night will be surrendered in the name of family time. But I spend plenty of time with the family.

It's been 2 weeks and I can almost walk like normal. Can't bend it all the way and it's still swollen....but getting better. I'm still very hesitant to consider returning to racquetball, just figure it'll happen again and likely be even more prone to.
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In the summer the kids and I swim a bunch, other then that they're pretty much glued to the tv & computer. they're 8 & 5 years-old..

Doesn't your 8 year old participate in any youth sports ( or camps ) at all during the year / summer ?

I'm still going to the gym Monday nights and swimming

You said once before you do 2 back to back spinning classes and then a mile in the pool... for 3+ hours of exercise ....2X a week.

Is Monday one of those 2 nights ?

And, you said you weight train with a trainer 2X a week - is that during your lunch hours or after work on some other nights ( other than spin / swim nights ) as well ?

.....and finishing in time to meet the racquetball guys for dinner.

I can see that.....the kids must finish dinner long before your workouts are done.
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Doesn't your 8 year old participate in any youth sports ( or camps ) at all during the year / summer ?

Not really. She's thin and in good shape, but she's not very physically inclined. Swimming in the summer, some light biking & roller-blading occassionally....and whatever she gets at school.

You said once before you do 2 back to back spinning classes and then a mile in the pool... for 3+ hours of exercise ....2X a week.

Is Monday one of those 2 nights ?

And, you said you weight train with a trainer 2X a week - is that during your lunch hours or after work on some other nights ( other than spin / swim nights ) as well ?

Spin/Swim is Weds & Fri mornings (kids in school)
Training w/trainer & weights on my own, Tues & Thurs. morning (kids in school)

All my activities are in the morning and while the kids are in school. The only thing I did towards the evening was racquetball, on monday & wednesday nights at I wasn't at the dinner table. Even if my wife had dinner at 5:30, I still wouldn't each much (can't play hard on a stomach full of food) and I'd have to leave by 5:45 to make it to the gym by 6pm. Thursday night the nanny would come and my wife and I have our night I was only at the family dinner table on Tuesday nights, that's it. Fri-Sat we usually woudl go out as a family or be with friends. So my wife's entire concern was that our kids were only getting 1 night per week of Dadda being at the dinner table.

It's a non-issue now....I'm out of racquetball for months and even if I do return, it'd only be for Monday nights only. Honestly, I (at this point) don't anticipate going back; I have this feeling that the injury not only reoccur, but be more likely to occur (weakened).

As pointed out early, I've sorta made up my mind. It's too early to say. I'll wait until I'm better and figure it out from there. I just know I'll say "I'll take it easy"....but over time I'll be right back at it. I was consistently winning the league and it's hard to play-down.

I can see that.....the kids must finish dinner long before your workouts are done.[/QUOTE]
So my wife's entire concern was that our kids were only getting 1 night per week of Dadda being at the dinner table

A legitimate concern.

You want to have dinner with your kids and wife every night. Unless of course, matters beyond your control prevent you from doing so.

Luckily, when we exercise is one of those things we can choose, and has a result, it's something we do have control of.

It's a non-issue now....I'm out of racquetball for months and even if I do return, it'd only be for Monday nights only. Honestly, I (at this point) don't anticipate going back; I have this feeling that the injury not only reoccur, but be more likely to occur (weakened).

As pointed out early, I've sorta made up my mind. It's too early to say. I'll wait until I'm better and figure it out from there. I just know I'll say "I'll take it easy"....but over time I'll be right back at it. I was consistently winning the league and it's hard to play-down.

Sounds like a've got lots of time to think it over in any case.
You've not had my wife's cooking....;)

All the more to reason be home in plenty of time before you can prepare it.;)