Should I get this?


New member
I really want a tattoo. So I was thinking, and I came up with this. I drew it on me just to make sure that I like it. I like it, but do you think I will regret it? Do you like it? I'd like opinions please :) Thank you




Please excuse the purpleness of my hands. I'm freezing cold.
I wouldn't ever get a tattoo that a shirt couldn't cover up.. (Wrists, Hands, Neck, Face).

For whatever reason, people look down on it and if you ever get a "coporate job" it won't look good.
The ink they install on your skin is HIGHLY carcinogenic to the body. There are already motions to ban that ink in Europe and in America. You can get an "alternative" ink that is more expensive however is not carcinogenic to the body.
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GO for it!!! Relating tattoos back to weight loss, sorry for the obsession, but that’s what i wont to do when i get down to my final goal to remind myself of where I’ve been where i am and where i wont to go. I think it looks really good and to have designed it yourself really makes it personal to you.

just make sure this is really what you wont and hopefully there will be no regrets, but maybe consider having it in a place where in the future you will be able to hide it, if necessary.

butt wooo, i wont one now :( actually do :D
Thanks for your opinions! I'm thinking of getting it done on the inside of my wrist instead of on my hand, as future employers may not be so charmed by it.

What is carcinogenic ?
Thanks for your opinions! I'm thinking of getting it done on the inside of my wrist instead of on my hand, as future employers may not be so charmed by it.

What is carcinogenic ?

Read the link, that should answer your question.:)
For the record though. The people that probally need worry about this the most. Are those who get their whole body covered in tats. Though, I would highly recommend you get the "good" kind that cost just a bit more. Just call around and ask, im sure you'll find someone who uses the non carcinogenic ink.
I have two..well....three but it only looks like two....tattoos.

One I got when I was 18...pretty much young and dumb, but I dont regret it, b/c I drew it and its in a spot no one will ever see ;) ...except my husband.

The second one was a small heart on my right hip bone...I got it when my husband deployed for his first year in Iraq...when he returned and started getting ready for his second deployment I designed a new bit to add on to it, so the week before he left we went and I got more added to my heart and he got a design I drew for him on his arm...We have each others initials...and lots of people advice against doing that...but eh' I'm with him for life:

Here is the one: (sorry I cant show you the other :) )


geez, I'm such a dork, I meant to actually reference this to your post, lol....ANYWAYS, the point of me sharing mine is to say....make sure you get something in a spot that you will NEVER regret...designing it yourself ROCKS b/c its part of YOU and something YOU NOONE will EVER have the same thing :) I dont regret mine at all....they both have meaning and represent a part of my life....
The wings on my heart is to represent my heart w/ my husband (he is a pilot and deployed, so my "my heart flys quite a bit" lol and "Love is PAtient" is my fav. bible speaks to me in so many ways).
You wont regret it if youre getting it for the right reason :)
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I like it, but do you think I will regret it? Do
Only you can answer that question... and if you're asking the question then the answer probably is yes you will...

You shoudl get a tattoo because it's something meaningful to you... and will stay that way...
I got a very small one about ten years ago (upper shoulder area) and never regret it for a's in an area where it can only be seen if/when I chose to display it...and everytime I see it it reminds me of a very fun silly time in my life.

In a couple of years you may regret it...or love it even more - for that reason I'd suggest going for an area somewhat less easily visable than your wrist. Cute design btw.
if you have to ask someone, you shouldn't get it. I have numerous tattoos, but would never get one if I wasn't 100% myself.
It looks really good.