Sport Should I eat Before....

Sport Fitness
running? and my friend are planning on running in the park around 7:00A.M in the morning...should i eat something before i run?.....
there are 2 schools of thought behind this. If your goal is fat loss, some people say fasted cardio is an effective tool. others say it isnt, and could force you into a catabolic state (burning muscle). There is science that backs both claims.

I personally never wake up early enough to ever have done any of my own research in this area.

If your goal isnt fat loss at all, then eat up.
If you dont eat your body will start to break down the very muscles you want to use for the run. - there is no point.

You must eat. Carbs are most important 1st thing. if you dont have much time try a carbohydrate rich protien shake and eat some toast or oats 60-30mins before (depending on how fast you digest and feel comfortable running on)
If your diet is on point then you should have no problems with muscle loss performing fasted cardio however I'd suggest you perform it at 60-70% of your max HR.

Running will tend to bring you over that mark.
I'd also say it depends on how long you're gonna go running.
20 mins of interval type jog/sprints...fine by me

but a 60 min 5-6 mile run on an empty stomach...not something I would suggest.

can you tell which school I belong to? ;)
can you tell which school I belong to? ;)

The same as me, the Global Fitness Comunity.


Now say 5 hail marys and make 3 new posts. Bless you Malkore