Should I cut back?

I'm 20, and been running since I was 13.

I'm 5'9 and 141lbs, pretty skinny. I'm trying to gain weight.

I used to consume 2000 calories a day, now I'm consuming 2500 calories.

I weight train 5 days a week, 1-1.5 hours day.

I run 5 days a week also. My old highschool football coach said running will build up muscle mass.

I run about 2 miles a day, and after I would do various running work outs such as stairs, hills, wind sprints and ladders. Usually it would be about 1-1.5 hours also. All together I'd get 2-3 hours a day of work out.

My question is should I cut back on running? Because I haven't gain any weight. Or should I be consuming more calories and doing more weights? Should I burn less calories than what I consume?
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Well, running won't help you gain any mass, fat or muscle. It help you lean out. It will keep you fit.

Lifting weighs five days a week for 1-1.5 hours a day will send you backwards quicker than forwards.

Switch your lifting routines, you should never be lifting for an hour and a half.

I'm guessing your male, in which case for you height, weight and activity level 2500 calories is never going to get you massive. Consume more, but bear in mind how you get your calories is as big a part as any in changing your body composition.

I'd suggest posting your daily diet in the nutrition sections where someone more qualified than me will take it critique it for you.