Should I be offended or motivated?


New member
So...I’m here. Why am I here? Well, someone close to me recently offered me a large sum of money to lose 100. Large enough to take the whole family on vacation or get a decent used car or pay off some bills. At first I was a little offfended at the thought of this person being so forward and also assuming that I just needed a carrot to chase. But then they assured me that it was just because they hated seeing me struggle and wanted to be able to do something even if all it was was a little motivation. So now I’m thinking maybe I should look at it as motivation, but I’m still not sure how I feel. Can I get some of your opinions?
I'm not a huge fan of extrinsic motivators as I don't believe they actually work.
That being said, if this is something you WANT to do, then it would be an added benefit :)
Kinda agree with M2M but only you and the other person know the details. I guess it depends on your relationship with the other person and the spirit in which it was offered.

If it’s something you want to do then do it but that’s completely your call. I guess I mean don’t feel obliged because of the offer.
So...I’m here. Why am I here? Well, someone close to me recently offered me a large sum of money to lose 100. Large enough to take the whole family on vacation or get a decent used car or pay off some bills. At first I was a little offfended at the thought of this person being so forward and also assuming that I just needed a carrot to chase. But then they assured me that it was just because they hated seeing me struggle and wanted to be able to do something even if all it was was a little motivation. So now I’m thinking maybe I should look at it as motivation, but I’m still not sure how I feel. Can I get some of your opinions?


I think the person really cares. It may not seem like it but from my perspective, it seems like hey really care. If they didn't they wouldn't offer you money to do soemthing that benefits you OVERALL.

Look at it as motivation.

You lose weight and MAKE MONEY.

Sounds like a win-win to me.
I'm sure I would have been offended & shocked at first, but if it's something I really wanted to do anyway after processing the good intention (I assume) of the offer, I think I would go for it. You can always decide later if you take up the offer. Do it for yourself, if that's what you want or need to do.