should fattyytumtummss be drinking?

yo, why can't you play along?!
well, an intro is needed i guess.. lol fattytumtums one our members on worldfitness was wondering if he shoudl go drinking on the weekends his goal is to lose weight. andd i was just getting peoples oppion weather they think if he shoudl be doign so! :p
i think that anyone who had an opinion already posted in that thread. what is the purpose of this other thread on the same subject?
Almost all kids his age drink regularly, If he wants to go out and get drunk let him. Its his life. But if he wants to lose fat and wants to drink I think he needs to evaluate what is more important in life.
in places where it's legal, im sure they do.. just like most 21 year olds here.. although i have no idea where this fattytumtum character lives.
In all honesty, I couldn't care less if he drove off a cliff and died while driving drunk. It makes no difference in my life. So why would i care if he drank or not?

This thread fails. Underage drinking fails.
you know the people around you in the area you live. that's quite a bit different than a blanket statement for all 18 year olds

Lol, sorry but here in the UK it pretty much like that, I was drinking regularly by 15/16 and I didn't know a single person at school that didn't drink fairly heavily at least once a week by the age of 16/17.

Once we were in sixth form (16-18 years) the pub was a regular place for lunch breaks
Lol, sorry but here in the UK it pretty much like that, I was drinking regularly by 15/16 and I didn't know a single person at school that didn't drink fairly heavily at least once a week by the age of 16/17.

Once we were in sixth form (16-18 years) the pub was a regular place for lunch breaks

that is sick! haha im glad we live by our standards because schools in south florida are bad enough as it is! :p
can't we all just get along? lol

I'm with you on the gun thing though.