Shooting at LA Fitness in PA

This is so nuts, the guy went into a Zumba class I think, turned out the lights and just started shooting the women in the class. Do we need metal detectors at the gym ffs???
yeah i saw this on the news, terrible :(
He hated women. That's why he targeted this certain class full of women .. he wrote a diary online and it's very sick. Sick dude. Should have just killed himself but no, he wouldn't have this notoriety.
My guess is the last straw was some idiot doing curls in the squat rack.

lol, I was doing planks in it today!

Not to worry i had the BB for my cleans just outside it. My gym is so packed with junk there is no place for working off the floor with a BB, other than the squat rack or just outside of it.

rant done! hijack over
I saw this yesterday and it scared me to death, honestly. Not that this guy was like that, but because of his "reasoning."

His reasoning behind it was that he been rejected by women for a long time and he was feeling lonely. This scared me, because I wonder if somehow that could happen to anyone who is feeling lonely now or does it happen to everyone eventually or was this guy simply mentally ill his whole life and suddenly snapped? As of now I'm suffering from loneliness badly and trying to get help, but after seeing this I felt defeated. I wonder what would happen if 20, 30 years from now I still feel like this and I "snap" one day? I don't mean like a homicidal rage, but like something else like becoming a pervert, a weird guy, violent hatred for women, or I decide I was to end my life? I think I'm starting to develop a hate of women, and it's extremely hard to get out of it, and after seeing this news report, I became extremely scared of myself and felt like running away.
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becoming a pervert

No worries, you already are, all men ARE perverts.

Best thing to do is relax and focus on yourself for now, don’t worry about hooking up so much. One of the best things to do is to make just friends with women WITH NO INTENT on making a romantic relationship with them. When you have lots of women friends they will be doing the hooking up for you, they all know somebody just right for you.

If this is all lame advice for you, no sweat (don't mean to single you out) it might help somebody else.

P.S. do you know your avatar looks like you are sporting an erection? That should catch the ladies eye:love3:
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If you are depressed there is nothing wrong with seeing someone and getting a little help if you think you need it .. on the other hand, I think there are some things that have to be in place for someone to go this over the edge. I gather from reading his blog that he has at least a few personality disorders, maybe antisocial personality disorder, psychosis, and a persecution complex. Lots of people can feel lonely and move on to lead a happy life. But always, if you feel you need help, GET IT! Best wishes!
I wanted to type a joke but will reframe from doing so. This is a sad story and there are just tons of CRAZY people. Suicide is one of the top killer in the US; Can't we all get along?
Dallen, all you seem to do is react. The problem that arises is that you are never in control of anything and it always seems like other things/people are to blame for your misery. When you think like this, you relinquish your control over to what seems like the whims of others. Instead, be proactive. Learn that the only thing you can control in the world is yourself.

And as for the shooter, he wrote in his blog that women thought of him as a "nice guy"...let me just quote something I read on another board:

"'Nice' guys are really assholes who pretend to be nice because they think that if they go through the effort of hiding their abhorrent personality and assholeness then they should be repaid with ****y. It's like they have a sort of covert implicit contract whereby they think women who dont give them ****y after they are nice are bitches."
From The Dhammapada:

1. The Pairs

Mind precedes its objects. They are mind-governed and mind-made. To
speak or act with a defiled mind is to draw pain after oneself, like a
wheel behind the feet of the animal drawing it. 1

Mind precedes its objects. They are mind-governed and mind-made. To
speak or act with a peaceful mind, is to draw happiness after oneself,
like an inseparable shadow. 2

I have been insulted! I have been hurt! I have been beaten! I have been
robbed! Anger does not cease in those who harbour this sort of thought.

I have been insulted! I have been hurt! I have been beaten! I have been
robbed! Anger ceases in those who do not harbour this sort of thought. 4

Occasions of hatred are certainly never settled by hatred. They are
settled by freedom from hatred. This is the eternal law. 5
Dallen, all you seem to do is react. The problem that arises is that you are never in control of anything and it always seems like other things/people are to blame for your misery.

What I learned recently is that everything we do today has been done before. That means every feeling you get, every thing you plan to do, everything you wish for, everything you desire, has been done at one point or another by someone else. The question is can we learn something from this guy that can be applied to ourselves or at least myself? And the answer is yes. What drove this particular person to such insanity? Was he thinking the same thing as myself? What was he doing before hand? There are a lot of sick people out there, but the question is were they always sick? Did something in their environment drove them to such sickness?

When you look at mental illnesses, a large bulk of them stems from a singular fact: rejection from others. Heck, we're on a fitness forum, and primarily one of the key things in society is health, but not only that, but also how we appear to others. We love to be accepted by others, no matter how much one says they don't care what others say. We are all accepted somehow by someone else, which keeps us sane. When the very people we are accepted by rejected us, that is where madness comes from.

When I look at people who gone into madness, I learn that they make things up to "prove" why the rejection is in place. Since they've been rejected by someone, they begin to make things up by the thing they're rejected from. For this particular person, his rejection stems from women, and in his madness, he made an illusion the very reason why he's rejected. When you read into his reasoning, it's silly and unrealistic, but to this person, his reasoning is realistic. Sadly he decided to take it out on innocent people who had nothing to do with his rejection.

There are plenty of people who been abandoned as a child, beaten by their parents, tortured as a child, and yet for some this makes or breaks them.

When I think of a lesson learned from this, I can think of many.
Mental illness cannot be blamed on rejection from other people. Mental illness is more biological with a little environmental thrown in. There are those who are genetically predisposed to depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc .. and it will develop regardless of a person's upbringing although environment can certainly attribute to the onset and severity of the illness. Personality disorders are more difficult to gauge, but experts still believe they are a combination of nature and nurture.

I think rejection is mostly a result of mental illness, not a cause. So this guy was likely sick in the beginning, and after trying to date women and being rejected based on the fact that he was psychotic, he developed a deep hatred. But you cannot blame his illness on the fact that he was rejected by women. Not even close!
You're right, but the question isn't the biological makeup of a mental illness. The question is what leads it to that? Is it a natural evolution? And in your case where it develops into a state of mental illness that results in your perceiving the world differently?

Or is it something else? A learned characteristic, where you get rejection from others, and your brain develops new pathways and a different way of thinking which then transform into the biological makeup that you see in a mental illness?

Or is it a mixture of both natural evolution of your mind and the simulation of your outside world with others?

I'm not saying that the fault of this man's behavior is blamed towards those who reject him. But what I am questioning is whether or not this man behavior was a result of rejections, whether made up or real, which then transformed his way of thinking after years of such rejections?

I'm not quite certain if what I wrote was clear or not. Sometimes I write too much.
I'm sure it did transform his perception of the world .. that happens to everyone in a way based on life experiences. That is not the same as mental illness. My point was just that the rejections did not cause his sickness.

Also, he probably had narcissistic personality disorder .. he seemed to go on about what a catch he was, considering the fact that he had a job and took care of himself, and therefore, he was entitled to the affections of a woman (in his distorted mind). That objectifies woman .. women are not a prize for a man who thinks he's earned it. Pfft. That's not towards you Dallen, just a separate rant.

By the way, in your statement "And in your case where it develops into a state of mental illness that results in your perceiving the world differently?" when you say "in your case", lol .. are you callin me mentally ill? lol
By the way, in your statement "And in your case where it develops into a state of mental illness that results in your perceiving the world differently?" when you say "in your case", lol .. are you callin me mentally ill? lol

Oh goodness, no. lol. I mean in your example of what you were saying, not to you personally. Sorry... lol.

But yeah otherwise I agree with you. I suppose everyone goes through a battle with the opposite sex. I don't know. My uncle married when he was 39 and he lived at home. Looking at his life style when I remember, he was absolutely crazy with guns. Now I'm not saying anything bad about guns or anything, but what I am saying is that I noticed after he got married, he was a lot calm, he doesn't get violent, and he's actually selling off his gun in order to meet repair needs of his new house. Before I came to his old house, there were guns all over the place, and he had the bullet maker everywhere and his house was a complete mess except where his mom (my grandma) cleaned up after him. So in a way, I sort of witnessed him transform from a complete nut to someone who is actually sane. So in a way it appears somehow his relationship helped him through that, and I don't know if maybe he wasn't married now, maybe he'd be on the news.