
I always imagined Shin-splints would affect the shins....However, I have been sufffering from sharp pains in my calf muscles when I run on the treadmill at the gym.
Firstly, is my pain indeed shin-splints? Secondly, is this indicative of running on treadmills? Lastly, what can I do to alleviate or even better, avoid the problem?
Any information on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
How long have you been running? What kind of shoes do you wear? How many miles do your shoes have? How often do yuo run? Howlong do you run?
lots of questions to warrant a proper answer. However, my guess is you are suffereing from jut spoor tissue quality in the calves. In this casse, foam roll the claves or get them massaged 3x a week. In worse case, you would have heel spurs in which the pain radiates up the back of the leg. Anyway, answer those questions and maybe we can help you oout better.
Thanks for the reply.
To answer those questions:
I have been running regularly for about 6 months. However, I have been playing football week in, week out, for over 10 years.
When I run, it will vary from 25 minutes to 45 minutes. I wear regular running shoes. Come to think of it, this problem started about three months ago and then went away when I bought new running shoes. It has just occurred again for the first time....could it be the shoes? Am I answering my own question?
All I know is that poor tissue quality doesn't sound good.....and heel spurs sounds horrific(I am pretty sure this is not the problem - the pain is sharp and concentrated almost like severe cramp.)
Whatever the answer, I am very grateful for your help.
Use RICE-rest, ice, compression, elevation

Get different shoes and see if that helps. Have you changed the terrain you're running on?
There are a couple reasons for "shin-splints" but that kind of pain is usually referred to the front part of your leg... since you're experiencing tightness/discomfort in the back, I would say like the other people posted, you need to stretch them out and check your shoes... General guideline is if you walk every day in them, that they last 500 miles/2-3 months...

Plus you are running on the treadmill... what incline are you at? Because if you have it at no incline, you are actually running a little 'declined' which can affect your calf muscles... set the treadmill to about 2 Degrees incline...

Also, since you're from the UK, I'm sure "football" is soccer (Crazy europeans :p JK!).... football/soccer cleats don't have the greatest support and since you're switching between different supports that could also be a reason for the tight calves, not to mention, going from running on grass to treadmill is a stress change too...

Try a couple things to see if it helps but for the most part like evo said... RICE!
Thanks for all the advice. Extra long calf stretches both before treadmill and before football (er, soccer - that really doesn't sound right!? Anyway, i digress) and I have also inclined the treadmill slightly. The problem seems to have gone away (for good, I hope!)
So, thanks again!
If you have a dominate anterior tibialis then you'd want to stretch it... totally depends on the cause of your "shin pain"...