Sport Shakes

Sport Fitness
I have a question in anybody can help me

I was thinking about buying these shakes but their Vitamins jes in a shake form instead of taking pills and they give all your nutrients u need that people don't get through out the day. I diet though and I do get all the nutrients I need I think anyways but I jes want it for the one that helps your bones and joints. well the girl was telling me that u take it in the morning and in the night and she was like sometimes I won't eat breakfast and sometimes dinner and jes eat lunch but it's ok cuz i'm still getting all the stuff I need in this shake, but it seems like she's taken it as a meal replacement more than like vitamins. One of the shakes is good for your bones and joints which would be good for me but u have to drink a couple different ones to get your body used to taken them before the 1 for bones. I jes don't want it to be Interfering with my diet because I do eat like six meals a day and i don't want to skip one jes cuz I drank vitamin shake and I don't want to be adding more stuff to my diet
i wouldnt recommend doing what she's doing, only eating lunch and using those shakes for her other meals. what is exactly in it?
well I guess the whole point of it is that if you don't like taken pills They make these shakes that are like all your vitamins you need in a day in a shake form. She was telling me there's some for your joints and bones that are really good and I have bad knees and I'm taking glucosamine and I figured shoot anything will help ya know and I would jes chug it in the morning with my protein shakes.

Watcha think ya or nay
if it's just a vitamin shake, its probably triple the price of a bottle of pill-form vitamins.

Was she selling the shakes? if so, that should be your first tip off that they are crap.
ya she said it's like 180 which is nuts but I'm wondering if the stuff will be that good to help my knees it's my boyfriends mom which I told her I check it out I'm gonna feel bad i'll be n like um nevermind I kind of rather pay 20 bucks and get like 4 different bottles of vitamins I dunno
ok, if theres one just for the vitamins thats different. she was probably using one that had some protein, carbs and fats in it and yes this would have added more calories to your meal plan that you might not have expected

i have bad knees too, i'm gonna be taking glucosamine for the rest of my life because thats the only thing that helps me. i just use the cheapest capsules i can find and it gets the job done.
Ya I don't think I' gonna buy it. It's 223 dollars and it only lasts a month
that's like a car payment