Weight-Loss Shakes



New member
I get hungry at night, but I get stomach cramps if I eat. It really has nothing to do with it being unhealthy to eat at night. Anyway lately I've been having to do my cardio at night around 7:00pm to be exact for 30-45 minutes (normally running or jogging/walking on an incline 5x a week along with 3x a week strength training in the day, weekends are a bit of a healing time for me since i'm just getting back into the routine), and I've been grabbing a protein shake (16 oz) as I leave the gym which really helps me not get hungry before bed. Anyway am I really just countering the hard work I put in? I find the shake fills me up more than drinking a lot of water, but it feels sinful. Any thoughts suggestions
Can't you get water with protein in it? Or just drink water and have apples and peanut butter on it?
the apples and peanut butter will upset my stomach. I tried baby carrots, sno peas, and most everything under the sun. Water with protein in it? like that expensive k20 stuff?
I personally find protein shakes like drinking barium -but if you enjoy them -just have the calories fit within your day and enjoy..

there's no real absolute right or wrong way to do anyhting- this is a lifestyle change for it to be effective and it has to work within your lifestyle...