Sex Offender Living Next Door?


New member
I was chatting with some else on here about a creep & realized that others might benefit from this link.

You just type in your zip code & it pulls up pictures & everything for local offenders.

Its eerie to see someone you know pop up, but that is just what happened to me when I first checked it out. Luckily that person has moved away. At least I was aware.

The part that scares me is this is just the people with records.

Keep those kiddies safe & our slimming selves too!
the biggest problem with these lists - not counting the fact that they can easily promote vigilantism.... is that it doesn't always clearly indicate what a person did to be named a sex offender... In some states, a 19 year old boy banging his 16 year old girl friend if daddy gets pissed and doesn't blow his banger off -can be arrested for statuatory rape and be labelled a sex offender... A fella who chooses to relieve himself on a street corner after a hard night of drinking - and gets caught can be labellerd a sex offender...

Sex offender doesn't always mean dirty old man who preys on playgroun ds looking for cute girls in pigtails...
I have a lot in my area, but I live on campus so that is expected. And Mal, if you zoom in on the map, click a dot, it gives you a person's name and what their offense was.
I refuse to even look at those maps anymore -there are so many of them...

I'll wager though, that most people won't take the extra step to zoom in - and just get their knickers in a twist that there's a sex offender in the neighborhood and oh won't somoene think of the poor children...
I was actually checking this registry a few months back. Just for the hell of it. I had just moved into a new neighborhood and wanted to see who was living around me. Well, when I plugged in my address it came back and told me my next door neighbor was on this sex offender list. He had sex with a minor I guess some years back (at least that was what the details on the site said)....

This is the level of detail you get when you click on "convictions" after clicking on a box:

Sodomy-2nd Degree Victim: Unknown, Younger than 11 years
This is the level of detail you get when you click on "convictions" after clicking on a box:

Sodomy-2nd Degree Victim: Unknown, Younger than 11 years

Stupid Question: I'm sure that I missing something but, shouldn't the victim always be unknown? If not it would suck to always have everyone know that you were the one raped by so-and-so.
Stupid Question: I'm sure that I missing something but, shouldn't the victim always be unknown? If not it would suck to always have everyone know that you were the one raped by so-and-so.

I would guess that it refers to the gender of the victim. Ie. Victim: male, Victim: female, as some of these types will only go for one or the other. Key word some.

Overall, I find this thread quite disturbing. I'm glad I don't have any children. When I do, I will make sure they learn muay thai, jiujutsu and a strict no-touchy policy. Though my paranoia is more a result of my summer volunteering with underprivileged/behaviorally challenged kids -- some of them come from very bad places, and they'll tell you a lot of messed up stuff :( -- than the possibility of sex offenders lurking about. As awful as it is, these things are generally much more likely to involve family or friends thereof. And I'm done. This is one of only two subjects that can get me worked up. :flame:
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we get a post card everytime someone moves in. there are at least ten within a mile of my house. it completely freaks me out. i made my husband get an alarm system.
I just found out that a man I've known for years that used to or still does go to my parents' church is on the list for criminal sexual assault w/attempt to penetrate. :svengo: I grew up with his sons, and he and his wife are the nicest people. I cannot believe he would do something like that. I wish it said when the conviction was--it must have been ages ago, b/c he hasn't been in prison for the last 21yrs that I've known him. :willy_nilly:
the biggest problem with these lists - not counting the fact that they can easily promote vigilantism.... is that it doesn't always clearly indicate what a person did to be named a sex offender... In some states, a 19 year old boy banging his 16 year old girl friend if daddy gets pissed and doesn't blow his banger off -can be arrested for statuatory rape and be labelled a sex offender... A fella who chooses to relieve himself on a street corner after a hard night of drinking - and gets caught can be labellerd a sex offender...

Sex offender doesn't always mean dirty old man who preys on playgroun ds looking for cute girls in pigtails...

Beat me to it. Were I live the term "sex offender" is very broad. It includes what was mentioned above as well as gay men that have been swept up in raids at local gay hangouts (parks etc.) Here you don't even have to be caught doing something lewd, just being at a place where it has been known to happen can get you in court. I'm pretty sure the guys who get caught with hookers have to register as sex offenders too. It doesn't seem right that those people could be put on some creep list and have the community mistake them for rapists. This is one of those laws where it isn't perfect and those who get caught up in it are sacrificed for the greater good.