several effective weight loss tips


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• Sacrifice the old food habit or lifestyle. A person must have the desire for losing the weight. Self- realization and motivation is needed.
• In many cases, a person fails to perform in many works and blame him that he may not perfect; he cannot do this work. In this weight loss program, never give up the goal.
• Control the emotion of having food with the influence of others. You may meet with friend circle and take coffee, eat junk food at dinner. Try to reduce your meeting with them.
• Proper planning is necessary for this program. How will you control your weight and which amount of weight you want to reduce decide before the program.
• A timetable has to follow for exercise, household work and taking food. This will help you to lead a disciplined life.
• You have to remember that you are reducing weight but your body needs calories to perform work. So select such types of food, which contains nutrients and calories without an excess amount of cholesterol. Such as fruits, vegetables, healthy meats, grains, cereals, spice etc. some fruits and vegetables cut fat in our body. In example, guava, garlic etc.
• Avoid taking fast food and start taking homemade food.
• Start physical and mental exercises like yoga, meditation. Deep breathing is also helpful and drinks more water.
• You can use some Ayurveda treatment to reduce the weight.
• Mix up single spoon of honey in hot water on glass and drink daily in the morning. It will help you to reduce the fatty sell.