Serious Protein powder questions.

Guys, im ready to take myself to the next step that isnt drastic, as im not seeing results as I'd like them. First off, can you answer me this, does protein powder truly lead to kidney failure later on?

Next, what exactly does protein powder do? I know it provides the body with protein, but does it make it so the muscles repair faster? Give me some extra strength to go that extra mile when doing just a few reps?

Protein is the building blocks for muscle, its like the concrete in a brick wall
Thx for the replys, can I drink it on an empty stomach? id being doing one at 12:30ish then weighttraining at 2:30 till about 4 and then drinking another around 4:15 or 4:30

can anyone suggest some good protein powders? THX!
yeah, whey protein is most effective before and after working out, and casein is best before bed..
I used to use American Whey, but just got a 5 pound jug of ON Whey it mixes 10 -15 seconds in my shaker and good to go.

110 Calories (10 from fat) 1.5g total fat (.5 saturated )
3 grams carb (1 gram sugar)
10mg Cholesterol
40mg Sodium
220mg Pottasium
23grams Protien
Calcium 150 mg 15*%

And the amino acids
L-Leucine 2470 mg
L-Isoleucine 1520 mg
L-Valine 1440 mg
L-Lysine 2120 mg
L-Methionine 440 mg
L-Phenylalanine 670 mg
L-Threonine 1720 mg
L-Tryptophan 240 mg
L-Alanine 1380 mg
L-Arginine 480 mg
L-Aspartic Acid 2490 mg
L-Cystine 440 mg
L-Glycine 530 mg
L-Histidine 400 mg
L-Proline 1540 mg
L-Serine 1240 mg
L-Tyrosine 590 mg
Glutamine 3870 mg
protein powders are awsome the stuff i have think its made by NFH or NHF to lazy to go grab the container, yeah its got like 25g of protein in 40g scoop, and it tastes so good, i mix it in my oatmeal and put it in my smooties.
Designer Whey has to be the most ummmm...interesting protein I've ever tried.

My favorites are
Low carb Grow
Muscle Milk
Micell Edge
I like Optimum Nutrition's 100% Whey in chocolate.

Just remember - protein shakes are not a meal replacement, so be sure to eat something along w/ it. (unless your shakes are full of carbs)
optimum nutrition and muscle milk are probably the two best ive tried tho i think i like the taste of optimum better. ive read about flavorless odorless protein food adatives has anyone heard about these? sounds like they would be pretty useful for loading protein into regular food but i dont know where to get em
Will, Optimum Nutrition carries an AnyWhey which is virtually tasteless. I've used it for smoothies and baking before, it's a good choice if you want to use it for food preperations.
You should be able to get it at any sports nutrition store such as GNC or I'm sure they can order it for you if they carry the ON brand. You might call your local health food store and speak with sports nutrition and see if they have it. I seriously doubt that you should have to order it online.
I've never seen Optimum Nutrition at GNC or another store... I buy it from, as it's cheaper than the ON site and it's shipped w/in a few hours.
depends on when you order it if you order during normal business hours it will be shipped that same day. I believe spock is refering to processing time not actually shipping time.